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Xena stood face to face with an exact image of herself.
Who are you?

The copy gave a sinister smile.
Come on, don't tell me you can't recognize yourself?

Xena drew her sword.
I don't have time for this. Tell me who you really are. And what is this place?
I already told you, I'm you. Or rather that dark part of you. The part that you locked away so long ago.
Lies. I'm not that person anymore.
Maybe not on the outside. But there's a small piece of everyone that holds all of their darkest, most evil impulses and desires. And people who act on those desires make their darkness grow. Which leads them to do more evil deeds, thus feeding the dark within. Fueling an endless cycle of darkness.
If that were true, I'd still be acting on my darkness.
Even if someone stops committing evil deeds.That dark side of them still lingers. And no matter how deep they might bury it. It's forever a large part of them. Always there, waiting to find it's way back to the surface. And when it does, it's oh so easy to once again take hold over those people. People like you.
I'm done listening to this.

Xena turned to walk away and find a way out of wherever she was. When she did, there in front of her once again stood her evil self. Not wanting to waste more time, Xena turned around and began to walk in the opposite direction.
You can't escape me Xena.

The evil Xena popped up in Xena's path again. Xena swung her sword, but as she did, her evil counterpart vanished with an evil laugh. She looked around and saw nothing. Xena once again turned to find her way out of the dark void. When she did, there her evil self stood again.
I swear turning good must've made you stupid. I am the manifestation of the evil inside you. And no matter how hard you try, you can't escape or defeat me.

Xena stood there ready to fight as the evil Xena began circling her.
The evil Xena popped up in Xena's path again. Xena swung her sword, but as she did, her evil counterpart vanished with an evil laugh. She looked around and saw nothing. Xena once again turned to find her way out of the dark void. When she did, there her evil self stood again.
I swear turning good must've made you stupid. I am the manifestation of the evil inside you. And no matter how hard you try, you can't escape or defeat me.

Xena stood there ready to fight as the evil Xena began circling her.
If that's the case, then all I have to do is get out here before you.

The evil Xena smirked.
You can try, but you seem to be forgetting one thing.
And what would that be?
Unlike you, I know this place. So how do you plan on beating me to the exit.

With that Xena's evil self let out an evil laugh as she disappeared. Leaving Xena looking around for where she could've gone. Realizing
she was no longer there, Xena took off to find her way out. She knew she had to stop her evil side from getting free. Xena ran through the corridors, as she tried to reach the exit before the dark part of her did. As she made her way through the mysterious maze like place. Finally far ahead Xena saw her dark side as she turned a corner. She continued chasing after her. As Xena rounded the corner, she saw that her evil self had reached the fountain.
I won't let you out of here!

Xena grabbed her chakrum and flung it towards her evil side. But without flinching Xena's dark side caught it. She glanced back at Xena and gave her an evil smile. Then she threw the chakrum to the ground as she pushed through the barrier, coming up from the fountain on the other side. Xena quickly ran up to the barrier and tried to force her way through. She pushed and pounded against it, but nothing happened. She drew her sword and tried to cut her way to freedom. But all her sword did was bounce off the barrier. Xena was trapped. Outside, in the real world, evil Xena was looking around the room. Taking a moment to relish in her newly regained freedom. As she idlely strolled around the room, Gabrielle walked into the corridor.
There you are Xena. I've been looking all over for you.

The evil Xena turned to her and smiled.
I was looking for you, Gabrielle.

Xena's evil self knew everything that Xena knew. Despite being locked away, she was still conscious. So she knew exactly who Gabrielle was.
So I take it you got those raiders.
Of course.

Meanwhile Xena could see outside the barrier. She saw Gabrielle talking to her evil counterpart. She pounded on the barrier.

But Gabrielle couldn't hear her. The evil Xena sneakily glanced over to the fountain, as Gabrielle was talking to her. She saw Xena inside behind the barrier. Gabrielle hadn't noticed her yet.
Well, it seems like we took care of all the raiders. Why don't we get out of here.
Yea, I'm sure that storms let up by now.
Alright then. Let's go.

With that Gabrielle unknowingly left with the evil Xena. Inside the fountain there was nothing Xena could do. But watch as her dark self walked away with Gabrielle. A feeling of dread washed over Xena, as she thought about the kinds of terror that was about to be unleashed. But it would be far worse than she could imagine. Xena failed to realize that even during her dark past, there was still good in her. But what had just walked out with Gabrielle, was nothing but 100% pure evil.


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