Chapter 16

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My heart pounded as I thought of what to do to save my life. Water was rushing rapidly now and I was running out of time. At that point I was giving up and accepting my fate that I was going down with this ship or be burnt to death.

An hour goes by and the ship is almost fully under water. The fire in the water was dying out and finally another ship came into view, but they were so far away, by the time they would arrive I would be dead. I pushed that thought aside and tried to think positive and convince myself that they would arrive on time.

20 or 40 minutes go by and it looked like they haven't moved a damn inch! I cursed and gave up hope, I was going to die on the ship and there was nothing I could do except one thing. "Please God." I prayed. "If I survive this war then I would dedicate my whole life to you." I was never christan and that was my first time praying, but I never thought that it wouldn't be my last, 'cause right when I opened my eyes the ship that was about 20 miles or more was right in front of me now.

There were thousands of men on the ship, but one came down and extended a hand. "Grab hold!" He called out. My vision was blurry from the amount of smoke I inhaled, so it was hard for me to grab hold of his hand, but I eventually got it and he pulled me up. The ship that I was on was the Missouri, armed with 80 40mm anti-aircraft guns and had the most weapons. Before I passed out I saw the whole crew staring at me, then everything faded to black.

When I awoke a few hours later I was in a room, it was a really nice room and almost looked like a room in the Titanic, just not as nice. Moments later a man barged into my room whom I believed was the man who pulled me up on the boat, he was gasping for air and said, "oh, good you're awake." Just then I heard explosions as the ship shook frantically.

I ran out of the room following the man up to the top deck. Once we got there men were screaming, and running around trying to get cover. About 20 F-35s flew over us and dropped bombs onto the ship. Half of them missed but the ones that did hit made my whole body freeze up. Men were blowing up like fucking popcorn, as blood painted the ship. F-35s flew into ships, sending them a flame. Oil leaked from the ships and the water caught fire once again.

My heart pounded as once again I thought of what to do to survive this living hell. BOOM! A ship explodes in the distance killing thousands of men as I hear their screams fade. "Fight back damn it!" Yelled a soldier with blue eyes and blond hair. "Get on those Goddamn guns and give them hell right back!"

"That's what we're doing!" yelled a medic with brown eyes, brown hair and blood on his uniform tending the wounded as he yelled back at the other soldier. "Well it sure as hell doesn't look like it, Henry!" Henry, do they know each other? I thought. Henry stopped what he was doing and said, "look, Aiden right?" Aiden nodded and Henry continued, "instead of ordering everyone to do something, then why don't you do something, 'cause remember this, Aiden, no one can do everything, but everyone can do something." Aiden squints in confusion and nods.

The ship shook as once again multiple bombs and F-35s flew into it. The shake made everyone fall to the floor, but Aiden was the only one who got up immediately after and got on a 40mm anti-aircraft gun and fired at the enemy's ships. 60 other men did the same, including me.

My mind was racing as I got on one next to Aiden, I was overwhelmed with fear. Aiden was trying to yell at me, but I couldn't hear him, even though he was right next to me about 4 feet or less away from me, but what I did hear made me wish I had moved away and never have come to this war. "Jump the ship is about to explode!"

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