A Typical Morning

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November 10th, 1983

"Jonathan?! Jonathan! Where is Will?!" Joyce Byers shouted in her shrill little voice as she rushed around the house, looking for her youngest son so she could leave for work before she was late again for the second time that week.

"I don't know, Mom. Probably in his room?" Jonathan replied as he lazily ate his breakfast at the kitchen table. His mother's frantic behavior was nothing new and definitely didn't phase him in the morning. She was more high-strung before work and he knew that— she had a habit of being late and stressing over her job.

Joyce was a single mom of two teenaged boys. Her useless ex husband, Lonnie, didn't ever send her the court-ordered child support checks he owed, so if she wasn't stressing about her kids' well-being, she was stressing about money.

"Okay well find him and take him to school please Jonathan! I'm going to be late and I can't afford another write up!" she yelled across the house as she hurriedly buttoned up her blue work vest while scrambling to find her keys. Joyce ran out of the door without bothering to close it behind her and sped off in her swamp green 1976 Ford Pinto.

Jonathan sighed and shuffled around the house, looking in each room for his little brother. He must've just left early for school, he thought as he threw his backpack over his shoulder. Will was a bit of a nerd, and nothing about the situation his mom just spent the last ten minutes panicking over alarmed him. He locked the front door behind him and left for Hawkins High. Little did he know, life as he knew it would never be the same by the time he came home that afternoon.

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