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Joyce and Hopper's eyes met and they were unsure of whether to stop, or to let this go further. They both wanted the latter, but each had their reservations, not wanting their drunken arousal to create a rift in their relationship.

Deciding to say fuck it and give in to his long-awaited fantasy about kissing Joyce, he went back in for another passionate, heated kiss. Joyce reciprocated, feeling the liquid courage pulse through her veins, giving her the confidence to slide her hands lower down his body, unbuckling Hop's black leather belt.

Hop felt like he could die happily right then and there. Joyce was undressing him. But this was going too far. As buzzed as he was and as badly as he wanted her, Hopper pulled away. He held Joyce's arms still in his grasp as his heart nearly jumped out of his chest.

Gasping for air, Hopper swallowed. "Joyce..... I—" but Joyce interrupted.

"It's okay, Hopper. I want this. I want you." she said in a breathy, exasperated voice.

The words sounded foreign coming from her lips. It all felt like a fever dream. But he still couldn't bring himself to dive back into her sweet, buttery lips.

"Joyce, don't get me wrong," Hopper said, staring into her confused, innocent face. "I want you too. More than you even know. But I value you more than anyone else in my life. You are so important to me. I can't let whatever this is ruin what we have. I can't... I can't lose you too." Hopper looked down at his hands, now shaking on the counter beside her thighs.

"Oh, Hop. You aren't ruining anything. We both want this, right?" She grabbed his face in her hands. "I promise, even if we regret this in the morning, I won't let anything change between us. I need you in my life, too." Joyce was a bit embarrassed to profess her feelings for Hop out loud, but he had just been so raw with her. She now understood why he never made a move earlier, despite their obvious attraction to one another.

Joyce now made the first move, pulling his neck down so she could lock her lips back onto his. She didn't care how she might feel tomorrow. Right now, she wanted this man. She wanted to feel him inside of her, and once she wanted something, she was determined to get it.

Hopper, comforted by Joyce's reassurance of their relationship, fully gave in to her will. He let her hands creep their way back down to his belt as she pulled it out from the loops of his jeans and dropped it on the floor. She then pulled her own top over her head so she was just in her lacy, black bra in front of him on the kitchen countertop. He felt time slow to a near stop and allowed his gaze to fall down to her voluptuous breasts. He had never been this close to her before. He had never thought he would actually be inches away from Joyce Byers, reaching his hands up to caress her soft, perky boobs in his hands.

She started to unhook her bra so he could really touch them. She loved how his strong hands grasped her, making her feel so dainty and beautiful. She let her bra fall off her arms and watched as his eyes gaped at her nipples and his tongue licked his lips.

Hopper picked Joyce back up by her hips, her legs wrapping around his body, and brought her back to the couch she had made up for him to sleep on just minutes earlier. He sat down and pulled her body on top of his so she was straddling him, her breasts right in his face, and he started to lick around her nipples, his cock really throbbing and hurting him now.

Joyce let out a high-pitched noise, louder than she expected, startling herself. Her head fell backwards and she pinched her eyes shut as Hopper sucked on her hard nipples, slightly grazing his teeth against them. Fuck, she wanted this so badly. It was almost torturous, the foreplay making her so wet she was sure he could feel it through their clothes. How could she be so blind to this gorgeous man who was always just one kiss away from all of this? Had he always had a crush on her? Had she had feelings for him, too, that she didn't let to the surface out of the same fear he seemed to have— ruining their special relationship?

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