The Morning After

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As the sun pierced through the blinds the next morning, Hopper groggily woke up, forgetting for a moment where he was. As he turned to survey the room, it all came flooding back. Joyce was asleep next to him, under the covers, but still naked from the night before. Now sober, despite a throbbing headache from the alcohol, Hop remembered it all. The drinks, the flirting, the music, the boner touching her leg, her exclamation to herself to snap out of it, his realization, their first kiss, the hesitation, and then the sex. Oh God, the sex. He had woken up many times after a night of drinking and vivid dreams of making love to the woman he was secretly in love with. This time, though, with the breathtaking woman asleep beside him, it was real. He laid there, watching her sleep, replaying each moment from their first time together the night prior, wishing he was still in that moment. He was terrified for her to wake up and realize what she had done with him, horrified and revolted, and kick him out. He felt the urge to get up, throw on his clothes and run out the door. But what if she wasn't upset? What if that would hurt her feelings? He didn't want her to think he just used her for sex. He decided to wait for her to wake up, but got up to take a quick shower before she did. If she was going to freak out when she woke up, it was best that he at least washed the dried sweat and cum from his body first.

The water stung his back and he remembered the way her nails had dug into him last night as they moved in unison, feeling each other's hot skin pressed together while they moaned each other's names. While Jim cleaned himself off in her bathroom, Joyce began to wake, feeling hungover and slightly confused. She walked to her kitchen after throwing on a pajama dress in case her sons had come home, chugged a glass of water, then returned to her room to see the mess of clothes on the floor and the ruffled, strewn about sheets on the bed. She stopped, frozen while it all came rushing back to her. Only then did she notice the sound of the shower running, and she jumped back into bed and covered back up, considering pretending to still be asleep while she sorted out her feelings about last night.

It was completely surreal to the both of them. Hopper in the shower and Joyce in the bed, they each recounted the passionate, drunken sex they had had only hours earlier. Hopper was still in disbelief. He was in Joyce's shower, washing her dried-on wetness off his penis. She had actually wanted him last night. He never thought it was possible for her to be attracted to him. He then let out a sigh and felt an ache in his chest, convinced that the alcohol had influenced her decision to make love to him and that their friendship would now be over for good.

Joyce was still in a state of shock herself. Of course, she felt great last night. She didn't regret it in the slightest, but she didn't know how to talk to Hop now that it happened. Did he really have feelings for her, or was it just a drunken one night stand? Was there going to be a palpable tension between the two of them now, not knowing how to talk to each other after having been so intimate? She felt a wave of fear wash over her at the thought, and she felt like an idiot. How did she think this would pan out? The last guy Joyce was involved with packed up and left in the middle of the night because he couldn't handle her boys and their distrust of him, or her mess of a life. She was sure that this, too, would eventually all come crashing down, as all her past relationships had.

She heard the squeak of the shower knobs as Hop turned the water off, and she felt her heart flutter. She shut her eyes tight and resolved to pretend to still be asleep. Maybe he would get dressed and leave, and she could work out what to say to him and call him later. Instead, he walked out of the bathroom, dried off, and climbed back in to bed with her. She was certain he didn't dress himself. The thought of him naked behind her got her slightly excited, and she almost rolled over to face him. She was startled to find that she was still aroused by the man in her bed. She had rarely ever thought of having sex with the strong, grisly cop she called her best friend, but it's not like her mind has never wandered there...

Hop started to rub her back gently, hoping not to wake her. He looked at her tangled brown hair and half-smiled. At least he had this moment with her. He was content as he wrapped his arm around her, spooning her, grateful to be exactly where he was in that moment.

Joyce felt a tear roll down her cheek. It had been so long since someone caressed her the way Hop was now. She felt the love in his touch, and it took her by surprise. Of course, Jim had always been a sweet guy, but the realization of his feelings for her started to hit her all at once. She wasn't sure if she felt the same. Of course, she was attracted to him, but was it love? She didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't want to admit her feelings for Hop either, not wanting to get herself hurt again.

After about twenty minutes, Joyce realized she couldn't pretend to be sleeping forever. She slowly stretched and turned to face him, smiling awkwardly as she let out a meager, "Hey."

Hopper sighed in relief, glad to see that Joyce didn't seem upset that he was still there. He moved his arm back to his side, feeling unsure about whether it was okay to keep it wrapped around her. For all he knew, she was about to ask him to get dressed and leave. Instead, he felt her hand trail it's way across his body as she bit her lip, making it down to his flaccid cock, feeling it start to harden at her touch.

Joyce didn't know why, but she started to feel up Hop's damp, hairy body. She couldn't get enough. It felt so nice to have this close, intimate contact with a man again. Besides, perhaps it was easier to show him how she felt than to say it out loud. She let her hand massage his growing erection, amazed to have this handsome, naked man still lying next to her in her bed, biting her lower lip as his cock grew to full size in her hands.

Hopper let out a pleasured breath, staring at Joyce's beautiful, soft eyes as her hand continued to caress his body, feeling every inch of him. "Joyce... You are so beautiful," Hopper said as he locked eyes with the woman he had loved for so long. He just couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief that this was really happening.

Joyce blushed and moved her hand up his chest and then to his lips, stroking them softly with her thumb.

"Hopper, I— I'm glad you're still here." Joyce smiled, not sure if that was the right thing to say.

A grin worked its way onto Hop's face beneath his overgrown mustache, and Joyce smiled wide in return. The two realized their feelings were mutual, at least in this moment. Hopper massaged her hips, and then her tender breasts. His erection was still hard against his leg, and he was turned on all over again, feeling Joyce's soft, delicate skin and watching her gorgeous figure lay next to him. He looked into her eyes in silence, praying the moment would never end.

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