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The weekend was spent with the new couple at Joyce's house. They hadn't had any sex, however, since the boys were home. Joyce was loud and Hopper knew it, much to his delight. Besides, he already had to deal with Jonathan's interrogation when he woke up to find Hop in his kitchen, making himself coffee.

"Uh, hello?" Jonathan said, confused and looking around for his Mom to explain why the police chief was in their house, wearing only boxers and a T-shirt.

"Oh, hey kid," Hop replied, as if it were completely normal for him to be there.

Will walked in to the kitchen after hearing a strange man's voice talking to someone. He saw Hop and noticed Jonathan's confusion, and asked his brother what was going on.

"I was just trying to figure that out myself," Jonathan told him.

"Name's Jim Hopper," Hop said, sitting down at their kitchen table, smiling at the boys.

"I'm Will," Will said. He didn't recognize Hop seeing as he was unconscious when Hop found him a few months back when he was kidnapped. Jonathan gave Will a weird look and punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"He knows that, doofus. He's the chief of police. I don't know why he's here, though," he said, shifting his attention to Hop.

Joyce walked out into the hallway and saw her sons standing in the kitchen, staring at Hop as he looked at them, amused. She blushed and went to introduce Hop to her sons. She was slightly annoyed to see that he couldn't bother to dress himself before coming out of the bedroom. She didn't know if she should introduce him as her boyfriend in that moment, so she explained that they were friends.

"Right.. And you two just had a friendly sleepover last night then?" Jonathan asked his mom, doing air quotes as he said 'friendly'.

Hop, even more amused now, raised his eyebrows and sipped his coffee, looking up at Joyce to see what her response would be.

"Yes, Jonathan. It's not like that," she scolded.

"Like what?" Will asked innocently.

"Nothing, sweetie," Joyce said, ruffling his hair. She gave Hop a glare for coming out to the kitchen before she got up to explain the situation to the boys.

"Okay, well, I'm going to see Nancy today, Mom," Jonathan said, shaking his head to move past the conversation about Hopper.

"Alright, be safe please," Joyce said. Jonathan was a good kid but she worried about him and his girlfriend spending so much time together. She realized she was one to talk, though, and rolled her eyes to herself.

Will sat down at the table as Joyce started to cook breakfast for the three of them.

"How do you like your eggs?" Joyce asked Hop.

"Sunny side up," Will and Hop said in unison, turning to make eye contact and smiling at one another.

Joyce laughed through her nose, happy to see Will taking so kindly to Hopper.

As the three of them sat at the table to eat, Will decided to ask Hop some questions which amused Hop, but not his mother.

"So what's the jail time if someone accidentally robs a bank?" Will asked, seriously.

"Uh, how exactly does one accidentally rob a bank, and why do you ask, kid?" Hop replied, chuckling.

"I don't know," Will said with a mouth full of bacon. "Isn't that a cop's job to know that kind of stuff?"

"Alright, enough Will. Do you have any plans today?" Joyce asked him.

"I was thinking about meeting up with Mike and Lucas at the arcade. Is that okay?"

"Of course, sweetie," she said.

Hop bent across the table to reach his wallet that he set there last night and pulled out a ten dollar bill.

"Here you go, kid. Have fun," Hop said, handing it over to Will.

"Cool, thanks!" Will said, taking the money and running off to his room to get dressed.

"That was sweet, but you didn't have to do that. I was going to give him some money," Joyce told Hop.

"Oh don't worry about it," he smiled, happy to have a decent introduction to Joyce's sons as her new boyfriend, despite them not knowing it yet.

The two spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling until Hop got called in to the station just before dinner time.

"Oh no, they're going to make you work on a Sunday?" Joyce asked, a little disappointed that he had to go.

"When duty calls," he shrugged, bending down to kiss her before he left. "I'll call you when I get home, honey."

"Oooh, honey?" Joyce asked, amused.

"Yeah, is that okay? Or do you prefer darlin'?" Hop teased.

Joyce laughed. "I'll talk to you later, honey. Be safe." she said, testing the word out in her mouth to see how it felt. It was definitely a change, calling each other pet names, but she liked it.

After Hop left, she took the opportunity to catch up on some cleaning and laundry. That evening, she laid in bed listening to Jim Croce. She was reminded of the night they danced together at Hop's house. She relived the night, and started to feel herself grow wet as she remembered the phenomenal sex they had. It still boggled her how quickly they went from friends to lovers, and how easy it all felt.

Now aroused and alone, she trailed her hand into her pants and started to massage her clit, thinking about Hop's penis inside her, the size of him stretching her out painfully but in a good way. She pulled her pants and panties down to her ankles and used her other hand to start slowly fingering herself. Thinking about Hop while pleasuring herself was new territory, but she was really enjoying it. Usually she thought about Richard Gere or Tom Cruise when she touched herself, but this was much better, especially since she's actually fucked Hop and he gave her the best orgasm of her life. She massaged her G-spot, hearing Hop's voice call her honey in her head. A few minutes later of making herself feel good, her breathy moans grew louder and louder until she got close. She began to cum, calling Hopper's name, biting her lip hard to try and quiet herself. Now catching her breath, she smiled to herself, eyes closed, satisfied and euphoric from cumming. She took a long, hot bath afterwards, then headed off to bed, waiting for Hop's call before she dozed off to sleep.

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