The Date

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Four days had passed since Hopper and Joyce's night together. When Will and Jonathan came home the next day, they could tell something was off with their mom. Joyce was smiling more than usual, and she seemed less stressed. Also, the house had a strange scent to it. They didn't think too much of it, seeing as they were teenaged boys wrapped up in their own worlds, but Joyce definitely was thinking about it.

Each day at work, she had to snap herself out of her cloud of thoughts, trying to figure out what it all meant. Hopper and her had a one night stand. It was amazing. He left the following afternoon before the boys got back and after she made pancakes for the two of them. She knew that she had feelings for Hop, but she didn't know what to do with them. In just one night they went from good friends to now knowing how each other looked naked, and what each others' moans sounded like. Joyce hadn't called him since, but she was considering doing so after work today. She didn't know what she would say, but she found herself missing him, and wanted to see him again.

Hopper had no more luck than Joyce at trying to focus at work. His mind wandered to her naked body, the memory of his name coming from her mouth as he buried himself inside of her, and the way their eyes locked for what felt like hours the next morning, saying everything they didn't have the words to express.

When Hopper got back to his trailer after work that day, he decided to jump in the shower instead of crack open his usual beer. Afterwards, he trimmed his facial hair, then walked up to the phone hanging on his kitchen wall. He hesitated before ultimately deciding to ask Joyce out to dinner that night. They still hadn't gone, and now that they've slept together, it was probably about time he take her out on a date. He bit his lip, nervous that she might have changed her mind about that night by now. How couldn't she? It's not like she could want anything more with him than that one night they shared. She wouldn't want to go on a date with him, would she? Her hot, breathy noises in his ear just a few nights ago made him think twice, and he picked up the phone and dialed her number. He still had a great fear of losing her, despite her reassurances. He didn't want to scare her off, so when she answered the call after a few rings, he tried to be as casual as possible.

"Hey, Joyce. How are you?" he asked.

"Oh, hey Hop. I'm great, uh good. I'm good. How have you been?" she stuttered.

He heard the nervousness in her voice and it made him smile. "Better than ever," he replied, feeling a bit weird after saying it, hoping not to come off too strong.

"Hey, Joyce, I was thinking we could finally go out to dinner tonight. I could pick you and the boys up at seven?"

"Oh, the boys have plans tonight," she lied, "But I'd love to go." Joyce felt slightly guilty for lying, but she really wanted to spend time alone with Hop. They agreed to meet at Enzo's at seven o'clock, and Joyce took to the bathroom to start getting ready, pacing around the house nervously, instructing Jonathan on how to babysit Will while she was gone as if he hadn't done it countless times before.

Jonathan sighed, "I know, Mom. Numbers are on the fridge. We can order pizza. I'll make sure he gets his homework done. Hey, who did you say you were meeting up with tonight?"

Joyce blushed and told her son it was just another girls night, but he saw through her lie. He was seventeen, not seven, after all, and he had seen his mom go on dates every once in a while for the past eleven years since his parents split up. He decided not to push it any further and let her get back to dolling herself up for the mystery man while he went back to watching TV with Will in the living room.

When Joyce left the room, Will turned to Jonathan and crunched his face up in concern. "Who is Mom actually seeing tonight?" Will asked his brother, weary about the possibility of a new guy being around again. After what happened to him and the fact that his dad left them when Will was only a baby, he had a hard time trusting men.

Jonathan placed his hand on his little brother's shoulder and squeezed tight, releasing some of his tension. "Don't worry, Will. Mom would never bring someone around who she didn't completely trust. You have nothing to be afraid of. Besides, I bet it's just that big old cop friend she has over all the time," he joked, having no idea that he was actually spot on. "I mean, have you seen the way she gawks at him?" Jonathan made his eyes wide like a puppy, clasping his hands together and making smoochy noises, imitating their mother. Will laughed at the exaggerated display and felt better. The boys went back to watching their show and eating junk food.

Joyce headed out the door at 6:45pm, feeling her heart suddenly pound hard in her chest. She was used to the odd one night stands here and there, but  this was different. She couldn't remember the last date she had been on. What would they talk about? Was it a date? Was it just a friendly dinner? She tried to calm herself down with a deep breath as she walked up to the doors of the fancy restaurant. 

Hop had arrived early and was already seated at their table. When he caught a glimpse of Joyce, his mouth opened and his body went limp. It felt like she was the only person in the room. Time slowed to a standstill. She was absolutely stunning. Her thick brown hair was curled and pinned up, a few strands framing her face which only added to her immense beauty. She wore that tight black dress that he loved and a pair of black heels he had never seen before. He noticed her dark red lipstick as she approached and it made his mouth water. He collected himself and stood up, pulling her chair out for her as she approached the table.

The two smiled and sat down, making small talk about work and discussing what they should order to eat. They shared laughs effortlessly, and it was almost as if nothing had changed. It was surprisingly easy to make conversation despite their nerves leading up to the dinner.

"Anything exciting happening down at the police station?" Joyce asked as she swallowed a bite of fettuccine.

"Actually, yeah," Hop replied, chewing his steak quicker so he wouldn't have to talk with his mouth full. "We're pursuing a lead in the Gulliver Family's case. Turns out their house was broken in to, but it's looking like Ted Gulliver was the one to do it. Seeing that his ex-wife's dirty panties and wedding ring were no where to be found, I think it's safe to say the guy is officially a perv."

The two chuckled, sharing an inside joke. Ted was a classmate of theirs in high school, and they always joked about him being a creep. They were both amused, and continued to make each other laugh throughout the night.

By the time they finished their meals and drinks, Hop was racking his brain for excuses to keep the date going, and Joyce was dreading having to go home alone. Neither of them wanted the night to end. Hop payed the bill, despite Joyce insisting they split it, then the two decided to move to the restaurant's bar and share a mojito.

"I've had a wonderful time tonight, Joyce. And if I didn't say it already, you look absolutely stunning," he told her as he let his eyes soak her in for the hundredth time that night.

Joyce smiled, feeling her face blush, and looked down at her red-painted fingernails. She wasn't sure what to say, but felt like she had to say something. She wanted to go home with him. His brightly colored blouse flattered his broad shoulders, his muscles visible underneath. Hop cleaned up well, she thought as she unconsciously licked her lips.

Hop stood up and held his hand out for Joyce to take. They held hands as they walked out to the parking lot. Joyce was stumbling a bit in her heels, and she grabbed on to Hoppers arm for support. She wasn't used to wearing them, plus she had two glasses of wine and half a mojito making her head spin. Hop smirked, drinking in her sweet aroma and admiring the way her ass looked in that dress. Before she could get into her car, Hop offered her a ride home, extending the same favor she offered him a few nights ago when he had had a few too many drinks to drive home.

Joyce, secretly hoping for more time with him, accepted his offer as he led her into the passenger seat of his truck. As he set off on the road, she mustered up the courage to place her hand on his thigh, smiling shyly when his eyes met hers.

Hopper felt Joyce's hand grip his thigh, and his mind went to Sunday morning when she was stroking his chest, legs, and erection. The thought made him grow hard, and before he could stop himself, he asked her if she wanted to go back to his place.

Joyce bit her lip, happily accepting the invite. She wasn't sure what she expected to happen that night, but she liked where it was going. She felt like a sneaky teenager again, staying out past curfew to hang out with a boy she liked. The rush of going to Hoppers house and the thought of sitting on his lap while they kissed made her heart race, and she was impatient to get home with him.

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