Chapter 6

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Bakugou had known izuku since the two first met. It was a vivid memory but he recalls the two in a crib as the green fuzzy-haired boy whimpered as his fists clench reaching above his head for something with his eyes closed.

Bakugou pouted at the rowdy baby aside from him in his crib and under his fur blanket. Angered, he reached out and pinched the other baby's freckled cheek. In an attempt to stop the baby from disrupting his slumber.

Suddenly the baby opened his eyes to see bakugou with a spiky sprout from the top of his head, who was taken aback by the baby's big green eyes like the little green curls on his small head that sparkled and glowed brighter than anything. The baby giggled, smiling dumbly with no teeth but gums, making baby Katsuki, who was unsure what to do but shake his other small hand in a fist. His face turned red with determination as he began to form a sound on how he felt for this emotion he felt for the baby aside from him, only to do a loud "Bah!!".


Izuku could not believe his ears, was Bakugou maybe deaf? Or even dehydrated?

Izuku looked confused and puzzled. Maybe he had not heard him right. "I said that we should divorce after the wedding, and cancel the mating bond..?"

Bakugou however only growled and glared at izuku. " And I said no." Bakugou retorted.

Izuku felt anger in him growing. What the fuck? Was Bakugou going to keep him just because he could? After thirteen years he still

plans on keeping Izuku like some sort of toy to use until he was bored?

Izuku laughed, but there was no real emotion in it. "You plan on doing what your mother says? Courting?"

Bakugou looked deep into izuku's eyes. Izuku was waiting for his answer. Since when younger, Bakugou always ignored his mother's words and did his own thing. His listening to his mother was unordinary. wrong.

"I do not need my mother's permission in what I do with my mate." Bakugou finally spoke making izuku's omega preen on being seen as a mate but izuku was not having it.

" Mate? I am not your mate." Izuku said offended.

Bakugou looked hurt which made Izuku feel a bit guilty but shoved it down as Izuku had to remind himself what the boy put him through.

Izuku had to stay composed, he did not want the man to see any weakness in Izuku and use it against him. He was no longer the Deku he was back thirteen years ago.

"But you are going to be by the end of the month...." Bakugou said standing straight yet keeping his face fierce furrowing his brows speaking to Izuku. Izuku could tell the blonde was trying to keep composed as well, but not as good as Izuku who had made himself mature faster.

"By force, if I do recall. I am only doing it for my mother's life." Izuku corrected.

"I do not plan on forcing you." Bakugou said brining Izuku's attention back. "I wish to court you and win your love."

"Love?!" Izuku practically growled. "What love?! There is no love in this situation?"

"There is," Bakugou said with determination in his eyes as he stepped closer to izuku who furrowed his brows dropping his arms to his side and clenching his fists. What was even going on right now?

"If are willing, for me to show you," Bakugou mumbled looking away as Izuku still glared slightly up at him confused.

Show Izuku what? And why was he saying love was in this? Izuku may have loved him once, but that was 13 years ago. And surely Bakugou was not being some knot-headed alpha trying to lie to himself Izuku was playing hard to get.

Izuku was not going to be some playing thing for the alpha to raise his ego. And like hell, he was going to fall for his possible trap.

"What do you have to show? You already showed me how easy it is for you to make some new lackeys." Izuku said composing his face again seeing Bakugou flinch at the words. "You had kicked out those old 'friends' of yours not long after I had left... If I do recall you guys seemed close. Always keeping each other from getting caught and even helping each other when it came to....well, pranks ."

Izuku stopped there as the alpha stood silently looking down shadow hovering over his eyes. Izuku knows that's what they would call what they did to izuku. Everything they had done to Izuku was just a childish prank.

Ditching him in the pit alone? A prank. Pushing him in the mud? Prank. Ripping up his drawings? A prank. Having pinned him down as one put spiders in his clothes? A prank. Pushing him into a lake when he could not swim? Just a FUCKIN prank.

Everything they had done to Izuku was nothing but a prank. Every time he had cried to stop them they had said 'Just a prank deku.'

It was just a prank to them. But it hurted izuku so much. It left him with emotional and mental scars. He had to just be there, crying they laughed and called him names.

Mirio had helped him build up his confidence. He was the first boy who had helped Izuku, taught him how to catch bugs instead of berating him, taught him to fish with Toshinori, and had even thought the cool legend of Allmight was cool.

Then ochako and iida became the first friends he had made with SHinso and soon Shouto. Many more friends later who he helped and helped him be a better person and build himself back up.

He had to find his worth and self-confidence, without Bakugou.

"I had accepted this arrangement to help my tribe. And only to help my tribe. Not to try and rebuild what we had before. There is nothing that will fix what has been done." Izuku said filling in the silence. "That deku you knew once is gone."

He now had enough to say. He turned away ready to leave the alpha. He said what he said. If the alpha was going to be unreasonable to talk to, he was going to have to find a way to break the mating bond with his friends alone.

"Meet me by the rose garden." Izuku stopped frozen and curious. Was this going to be a fighting match? "Meet me there tonight, I- just want you to hear me out."

Bakugou said as Izuku heard the alpha depart as the sound of chirping birds and the forest surround him. Izuku felt chilled, however, as he had never once heard the alpha sound so.....sincere and soft.

Yet it made his blood boil.

THE MAN I AM FORCED TO MARRY SAYS HE LOVES ME?!Where stories live. Discover now