Mornings (Solangelo)

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Will started his day with some good, high pitched whining at daybreak. Thanks dad, for waking me up. He thought. Not really. He shifted his arm a bit, hoping to not wake Nico up. He paused his movement before smiling and glowing a bit brighter. Nico, his boyfriend.

Sure, they'd been together for almost a year now, but that didn't stop him from loving the thought of Nico being his boyfriend. It was enough to distract him from the sound for a few seconds before it brought him back to reality.

Most people assumed that Apollo kids were morning people, and that they woke up with the sun normally, but that wasn't true. Will hated it. He'd told Nico months prior about the way he's woken up every morning since he'd been claimed, and Nico had scrunched his nose up and gone 'that's horrible, why does he do that?' To which will responded with 'why does he always make haiku poems? It's just his thing,' and Nico laughed.

Gods, how he loved his laugh. The way his face becomes younger, shedding all the years the wars had given it, the bubbly feeling in his chest when he heard it.

Man, Will thought as he propped himself up on one elbow, looking at Nico's face. It was entirely slack and calm, something you almost never saw when he was awake. His mouth was hanging open in the corner and Will could see his shoulders rising and falling as he breathed. He was so lost in looking at him, he got a few more precious seconds of bliss before the noise came back. He promptly flopped back down and closed his eyes again.

"Fuck you dad," He muttered, before burying his face in Nico's shoulder and reaching over to intertwine their fingers. He heard Nico exhale sharply though his nose, and knew he failed in not waking him up. "Good mornin' 'mm goin back to sleep." He said into the crook of Nico's neck, with his normal southern accent stronger with a morning voice. 

Mmmm, Nico hummed, and both of them went back to sleep in the darkness of the room, and despite Apollos attempts to wake him up  again (he didn't encourage sleeping in unless necessary,) Will didn't wake up until the horn blew for breakfast.

(How do you like it? I found inspiration to make some half decent one shot :) anyway, Word count 406, bye! HalfInsane~)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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