This one is gonna be Percabeth-

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This is a year after the war, Percy and Annabeth are playing catch in a field by Percy's old middle school, (Percy and Annabeth are eighteen,)

Percy jumped up and grabbed the ball in midair, throwing it before his feet hit the ground, Annabeth laughed and caught it, Throwing it back to him even higher this time, Percy leapt up again, but this time he missed

"Again!?" He cried laughing as the ball hit the ground, Annabeth was doubled over laughing,

"Yes!" She said,

"Why do you always do this?" Percy asked, going over to grab the ball

"Because I know that you can never catch it!" She cried, "and because It's impressive that you can jump that high," she finished, Percy shrugged,

"It's not like I'm jumping that high," Percy said,

"Percy, sweetie, your getting three feet and seven and a half inches off of the ground!" Annabeth told him

"I am?" Percy asked, looking confused. Annabeth nodded, in that second of distraction Percy threw the ball, Annabeth yelped and barely caught it in time,

"Hey!" she cried, Percy laughed, "Oh, my gods Seaweed brain," Annabeth said, shaking her head, that made Percy laugh even more as he walked over to her and stopped in front of her 

"Percy!?" A voice cried out from behind. Percy froze. He knew that voice, he turned around to see the one and only, Nancy Bobfit "You- you have muscles- a-and- and tan- and-" She stuttered,

"Percy? who is that?" Annabeth asked,

"That," Percy said, "Is, um, Nancy Bobfit, she used to bully me in middle school," Percy explained quietly, Annabeth froze too.

"She, WHAT?" She growled, literally, growled

"Annabeth calm down," Percy said turning away from the still stuttering Nancy to look at his angry girlfriend, "Honestly I haven't seen her since... oh wow, um, I haven't seen her in, six years," Percy said Annabeth stared at him,

"She was the girl that I 'pushed' into the fountain," Percy told Annabeth. Annabeth blinked,

"She was the one you did that too?" she asked, raising her eyebrows, Percy shrugged and nodded, Annabeth started to laugh again and Percy joined in, then they walked away, Nacy still sputtering behind them

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