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The seven in kindergarten, (The teacher, in hell),

"Percy stop playing with the water!" The teacher cried to Percy,

"SPLASH SPLISH SPLASH!" Percy yelled as he splashed the water with his hands,

"Annabeth, let the other kids play with the legos!" The teacher said, trying to be calm,

"Look! I built the Eiffel tower!" little Annabeth cried, showing off

"Jason, don't EVER stick your fingers in sockets!" The teacher gasped, Jason laughed,

"HA, SPARKS," He said loudly, as he jammed a finger in the wall socket, giggling

"Piper you can't always get your way!" The teacher pleaded,

"I want to play with the teddy bear!" Piper charm-yelled to the other kid,

"Frank, please calm down!" The teacher cried to him,

"I'm a bird! CAW CAW CAW!" Frank cried out very loudly,

"Hazel, you cant keep all of the beads to yourself!" The teacher, tried, almost in tears, Hazel hid in the corner quietly clutching the shiny jewel beads,

"LEO VALDEZ!!" The teacher shouted at the young boy, who was staring at his burning finger

"ooooohh~ Awesome!" Tiny Leo said staring, mesmerized at the flames,

"SPLASH SPLISH SPLASH!" Percy said, still splashing in the background,

"DON'T TOUCH MY LEGOS!" Annabeth yelled at a kid

"SHOCKY!" Jason cried, still giggling and shoving his fingers in the socket,

"MY teddy" Piper almost screamed, clutching the teddy bear,

"CAW! CAW! CAW!" Frank screeched, flapping his arms like a bird, Hazel was still hiding in the corner playing with the jewel beads quietly,

"THIS BOY IS ON FIIIIRRREEEEE~!" Leo cri-sang with his hair and hands on fire, The teacher stood back, looking at the chaos, her face blank.

"Kill me now. Please." She said sitting down and massaging her temples.

(At the teacher's house, she got home from he-, work.)

"How was your day sweetie?" her husband asked,

"Hell," she responded, laying on the couch,

"That bad?" He asked coming over.

She explained what had happened.

"That bad." He said after she finished

(Here... :{ Word count, 337, it's 11:08 @.@, Bye! HalfInsane!)

Pjo, mostly Solangelo, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now