Faces (^Based off of^)

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Nico Jason and Percy were sitting at the table made for the big three while Jason and Percy were chatting and Nico was eating his lunch.

"I don't know man," Jason said, Nico looked up, "I just feel like these glasses kind of ruin my facial structure,"

"Nah bro, your face is fine," Percy assured him

"Are you sure bro?" Jason asked

"Totally bro," Percy responded,

"But not as good as yours," Jason told him

"Aw come on bro, no one's face is as nice as yours," Percy told Jason *Insert mad Annabeth here* Nico was silent for a second,

"I am literally the straightest person at this table," Nico said facepalming, and I'm crushing on Will fucking Solace, he thought

(:3, here, (This is not romantic!Jercy, but it most definitely Solangelo) word count, 137)

Pjo, mostly Solangelo, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now