if Annabeth fell off a cliff- (*Sigh* Nope. Not again. No more Titles)

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A girl asking questions about Percabeth to Percy,

Percy was in the arena with a new girl pestering him with random questions,

"If Annabeth jumped off a cliff, would you?" she asked, Percy froze, his mind running, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Percy thought, shaking, his eyes wide,

"WELL," *clap* "That's kinda a funny story!" Percy said, then explained what had happened in Rome.

When he finished the girl's eyes were wide

"yeah..." Percy said "I'm going to go jump in the lake, Jason will finish your tour", Percy said to her then disappeared. Literally. His form turned into water and splashed to the ground. (Posiden taught him that, he used it to get away from people, he loves it,)

Jason came flying over the side of the arena a few moments later. A huge hand of water had thrown him. He caught the winds and lowered himself to the ground, then yelled some curses at Percy in latin. The water took shape of words in front of Jason,

"Ooohh~," Jason said as he read, "Whoops, sorry Percy," he said to no one in particular, then walked over the girl, introduced himself and finished her tour. Safe to say, she was very confused that day.

(:{ here, another one, Word count, 251, Bye! HalfInsane~)

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