Let me explain first!

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 I barged into Argo II with a knife and rounded up the seven and put them in a room.

"If you could choose your godly parent who would it be?" I asked them, 

"Anyone but Aphrod-" Piper got cut off

"WHAT WAS THAT MY CHILD!!?!?!" Aphrodite shrieked as the appeared in a pink poof,

"UUuuHHhhMMmm NOTHING I LOVE YOU MOM," she said, saving herself from the wrath of Aphrodite

"GO DO YOUR MAKE UP OH MY GODS" Aphrodite yelled

"But-" Piper started

"AND FIX YOUR HAIR!" she screeched

"I-" she tried again,

"AND GO BUY A NEW WARDROBE!!" Aphrodite called as she disappeared,

"I'd like to be  the son of Zeus," Leo said thoughtfully, "I'd be hot, I'd get girls, I'd be powerful"

"Well your right about that part, the being hot part," Jason said with a smile

"No, sons of Posiden are better. And hotter," Percy said, turning up his nose with a smile

"I don't think so," Piper said,

"Well I do, and being a daughter of Athena that makes me smarter than you, which means if I disagree with you I'll most likely be right because I have more brain storage and I'm more fabulous, which means, I'M RIGHT AND PERCY'S BETTER." Annabeth countered Piper, Piper was quiet for a second,

"Well I-" She started

"Heres a straw," Percy said handing her a straw

"What? I don't-" Piper tried, only to be cut off again,

"Suck it up," Percy said with a pair of sunglasses on, walking out hand in hand with Annabeth who also had sunglasses on.

"Ooh~ Burn~," Leo said, wiggling his eyebrows, and lighting his hand on fire, Piper smacked him,

"OW!" Leo cried as Piper and Jason walked out, leaving Leo with Hazel and Frank, who also left. Leo frowned,

"I'm going to go finish preparations for faking my death to go get Calypso," He said walking out too, I was left there with my Chromebook finishing typing this down, I sighed and left the book, going back to my room. Then I posted this! Word count, 348, see ya! HalfInsane~

Pjo, mostly Solangelo, One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now