Greek mythology (Am I the only person who feels like this?)

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Nico was sitting in class one day doodling on his arm, half-listening to the lesson,

"Who knows about Greek mythology?" The teacher asked and Nico snapped his head up. Had he heard her right? Some people raised their hands, but Nico's hand shot into the air, so the teacher called on him.

"Yes, Mr. Di Angelo? Can you name three gods?" the teacher asked, Nico, took a deep breath,

"Zeus, Posiden, Hades, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Demeter, Hecate, Hypnos, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Khione, Hiesta, Ares, Boreas, Hephestus, Hera, Iris, Pan, Notus, Aeolus. Do you want me to go on?" Nico asked, "Cause I can," the teacher looked surprised, and Nico heard a snicker from behind him.

"What's he gonna do next? speak in Greek?" A snotty voice said. Some people snickered. Nico looked at the girl. She had (dyed) blonde hair and green(contacts) eyes,

"Θέλεις να?" Nico asked, (Do you want me to?), everybody's eyes widened, looking at Nico, "ωχ, ουπς," Nico said, (oh, oops) he switched over to English,

"When you have lots of free time you do random things," He said with a shrug, he went back to doodling on his arm. He didn't listen to the class and got 100% and extra credit because of how much he knew. Being a demigod had its perks.

(:> Hi. Word count, 224, Bye! HalfInsane~)

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