Ends meet.

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A/N: Summary, Merlin is sad and kinda pissed off, he is alone in the woods with Arthur, it is night. They've had dinner and brushed their teeth already and their medieval swags are set up(unimportant))
Merlin POV)

"Merlin fetch some more fire wood!"
"Right away Sire!" Beautiful spoilt prat.
Once I come back, half frozen in the chilling night,
I take a seat, next to Arthur on a log, who stares aimlessly at the orange
flames before him, he coughs slightly at the smoke.
I crouch over my knees and place my hands over my face.
"What's wrong?" Asks Arthur.
"No-thing just a bit tired that's all."
"Merlin what's wrong?" he asks putting a hand on my back, it sends a spas down my back.
"Sorry Sire."
I uncrouch myself.
I look into his sapphire eyes, his face is lit nicely by the fire.
I shuffle towards him slightly. Still staring into his eyes.
Arthur looks calm but slightly puzzled.
His gaze questions my mouth... It seems a bit tense-there is not much tension between us though.
I let my eyes fall to Arthur's lips, leaning in and then looking back into his closing eyes, as my lips brush ever so slightly against his, Arthur's eyes fire open in shock.
I look down blushing, feeling like I should just run away and never return.
My eyes tingle, "I'm so sorry sire."
"Merlin! What was that?!"
"I'm really sorry Arth-"
"Call me sire!"
"I'm so so sorry. You were just being so nic-nice and I got caught up. I...I..I know it's wrong."
He looks at me disgraced.
Tears prick my eyes and I turn and run off.
I've stuffed up this time.


Arthur POV

The incident is unspoken of.
I think, much as I have a crush on Merlin, I wasn't expecting that.
He seems to be quiet and smiles less often, which to my concern. The reason I yelled at him is because I was shocked, not actually angry.
*A/N: trigger, extremely mild non-graphic selfharm*
"Merlin!" I call no answer, may as well go visit to see how he passes.
I hope he finished laundering my socks, I need a new pair...
Gaius's door is ajar slightly with a sign saying "physician out, returning soon"
I open it enter then shut it quietly as possible. After taking a silent moment to let my ears adjust, I can her loud sobbing. Merlin.
I jog up to his door not knocking, and to my horror I see:
Merlin, balled up in his bed, weeping. His left sleeve rolled up, revealing a horizontally slit wrist, and in his right hand a red and silver blade.
He looks up at me in shock and drops the knife with eyes so pink and swollen.
His wrist has left trails of scarlet blood in places. Why has he done this? The boy wipes his eyes, handing me his basket.
"Freshly laundered socks Sire." He brushes off all evidence of what I just visualised, continuing his chores & errands.

Arthur POV
Drunk. Merlin and I are drunk. I had gone to fetch the depressing manservant from the tavern.
The sight of him with 6 wrist scars since I last checked distressed me.
I woke him up, but he was quite far away-eyed. (The Rolling Stones heheh).
He seemed at peace, but still sad. Poor Merlin.
I walked him toward his chambers, pushing him along side me, "when you recover from your hangover, if you can remember to wash my vest."
"Yesszire!" Chirps Merlin who hiccups slightly.
With that I head towards my own chambers. But Merlin follows, giggling slightly.
"Merlin, I can see you hiding that twig pile."
He still chuckles smiling sweetly.
I pretend not to see the naive servant behind me, and continue through the corridor.
I open the door to my chambers and shut it in Merlin's face.
"Are you alright Sire?" Asks Merlin knocking.
"What do you want Merlin?" I groan.
He opens the door and cutely peps his head through, " I'll dooo *hicc* the vest!" He grins excitedly.
Picking up the vest, and wondering over to get a bucket of water, I say "Merlin just let me Sleep! Get out!"
He is so pestering! I just want to rest. He walks out-crying.
"MERLIN, FOR THE LAST TIME!" I yell, booming through the chambers. Kinda getting worried about the boy. Maybe he is emotionally effected by the alcohol. Damn tavernboy.
I toss my purple tunic on, with my belt, not bothering to properly fasten it. I walk down to Gaius's, to find a snoring oldie on the desk.
I knock on Merlin's door, "Merlin you are late." No reply.
I try to turn the handle. Locked, I bash the door off of its hinges, "Merlin I'm sorry if I upset you, can-" I look at Merlin's lifeless face. He has recent tear stains on his cheeks, and his body is floating in mid air.
There was a note sticking out of his pocket, it read:
Life is a strange thing Arthur, strange as exploring your sexuality, discovering you are the most powerful warlock to ever exist, saving a royal prat's life more times than calculateable, and not being believed a single word of it. Never receiving a thank you, or failing to be happy, I cannot fulfil a destiny if I have no motivation, and my only reason to be happy turn me down...
I started to cry.
That is why I'm poised in mid air, by the time you find me.
Hope It's not too late to say sorry.
Love you, forever loyal

Merlin Emrys.

Merlin is gone.
My one chance blown away. My happiness core, torn out.
"GAIUS! GAIUS MERLIN KILLED HIMSELF!" Weeping now, I take the limp body into my arms.
"Please! Please Merlin...don't do this to me." My tears land on his neutral eyes.
I peck him on the lips.

Forever gone.
Gaius enters, shocked, at the sight!
"Merlin. No! What do I say to Hunith?
NO! He is gone Arthur! He is like my son why'd he do THIS?!"
I cradle the warlock in my arms, no I am not angry at his magic, he saved me I believe. And yet he ruined my life by subtracting his.
I rest my forehead on his. "I'm so sorry.......I never even said thank you."
I look into his eyes which flash gold in the mornings light.

Goodbye my LionHeart.

Thank y'all for them views I love y'all! 😂😘🐴🐎🏇〽️♏️

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