A bunch of random story endings(sad)

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"Merlin No!" I well up with tears and hold the raven boy in my lap.
"I'm sorry Arthur...I...have failed you.." He cries.
"No. No. No Merlin you've never failed me. Ever."
"I didn't save Guinevere."
"Merlin the only ever time you will ever fail me is when you die. Don't die on me Merlin."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry.. I. Am so sorry-look Out!"
An arrow flies past, hitting me in the ribs. I shout in pain, but I still think of Merlin first.
"Saellis" says Merlin and the arrow falls out of my body, and the wound heals almost completely, as his eyes flash gold.
"Magic." I say. I give him a small smile.
He just saved me.
️Merlin smiles but then groans in pain, so I remove the arrow I just noticed started digging into his back. He winces.
I run my thumb across his cheek and look at his face that is frowning in fear.
"I'm not ready to die Arthur. I don't want to leave you yet."
"We're getting you back Merlin. Don't be scared." He shakes his head, tears rolling down his face.
"Tak-Ke them...please, my tears."
The raven hands me a vile, for me to collect them with.
"Pour them into the lake....it will explain." (Harry potter reference heheh)
"Not now Merlin! Stay with me."
"I'm sorry! It's blurring! I don't want to go! I don't want to leave you, I'm..........Arthur...if I die... tell Gaius and Hunith.... I love- loved them."
"No! I'll get you back! Don't be a dollop head. Don't die Merlin, don't you dare die on me Merlin. DO YOU HEAR ME? That's an order! Don't go.....don't go....you can't go...."
"It's too late for that Arthur. I'm dying."
"Shhhh, just , shh. I'm here. I will take you back to Camelot and we'll be safe and it will all be normal again."
"No. No please, just-jus-t hold me."
Merlin is dying. He's dying and I can't help.
"I am not leaving you Merlin."
"It's not like I'm not going anywhere, I'm physically and mentally and magically not able to."
I try to smile.
"Do you remmmember, when whe - n you tried........to take m' head....off with a mace?" Merlin half smiled.
"When I was training to be a Royal Prat."
"I'm glad I was part of making you become.... Who you are... You are the once and future king, and just know... That.. I was b-born to s-evre you Arthur ' I am so honoured.....it's...my...privellige, to die at yo-ur side."
"Please Merlin, you are the only thing that kept me going, you weren't part of it, you were it......we're like two sides of the same coin . I need you to Stay. I need yo-"
"You are not allowed to go! I am nothing without you."
"I'm sorry...........Arthur..but you should....know by now. Emrys has faith in you still." He stiffens.
"Come home with me Merlin, do something-anything! I will give you a Castle, anything you want! Something, Anything! Let me know you're going to make it!"
"You know me Arthur. I never listen to y-"
And his eyes never reopened after that.
(New story) and I know we all hate those based on songs ones but this song gave me the idea. : "Asleep"-The Smiths.
Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
I'm tired and I
I want to go to bed

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
And then leave me alone.

Maybe I'll get a sleep in toda-.No.
Today is the anniversary of his death.
I don't even want to be alive. It's been 2 god damnned weeks.
Two weeks since the reason I am alive was taken away from me, also, given the current situation, is the reason why I don't want to be alive.
The person who new me more than I or even my father knows myself.
I can't believe the person I matter to most took away the person who matters to me most. Uther is no father. He is a narcissistic ass who wouldn't for a moment place himself before anyone else to save their life just because it would look bad on him.
I refuse to be slightly related something as foul as that.
A tyrant king.
I don't want to wake up without Merlin.
Don't try to wake me
In the morning
Cause I will be gone.
Don't feel bad for me-
"Sire no!" I shout at my father.
I look at the raven head, who I considered my closest friend, tethered to a wooden post.
"Merlin! Merlin! I'm coming!" I shout as I barge through the crowd.
"Stay put young man or I shall have you restrained." said Uther.
"No! Let Merlin go!"
"I will not let a warlock go, not now or ever!"
"Merlin is not a warlock! Even if he was he would be a good one, and the man he is will always be a million times better than you!"
"How dare you?!
Merlin extinguishes the flame with his magic.
But I'm held back.
"I'm glad to know I had the chance to be your servant Arthur, remember I said I was happy to work for you until the day I die, and I have, and will protect you to my final breath and heartbeat. You are a good person Arthur, Never forget that."
And then the flames took him, he didn't fight it. He knew.
I broke down, for ages that day I shouted at Uther, I couldn't bear the fact he took him, & I haven't spoken to him since.
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I will feel so glad to go
Sing me to sleep

I looked out upon the lake,
The Lake of Avalon.
I take out the large flask of Merlin's ashes with the note I wrote.
I lift the flask to my lips, letting my tears run freely over the wax and cork seal. "Come home Merlie."
And I set his ashes down on the small wooden boat.
When Merlin died I found a note under a floorboard under his bed with his magic book and staff, a note lay next to the book: Open it.
So I did.
Merlin had given me his powers, though no one knows.
I could use them like he did, so that he would forever live inside me.
I cup my hands and whisper 'Blossomé'
I set the tulip down and move the boat. Goodbye my love.
"forbaern ypile" and it burns into the sunrise.
Tears heavily run down my face.
"I'll wait for you."

There is a better place
Well there must be
There is a better world
Well, there must be
🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🔱🌀🌀🌀🌀new story
A/N: Mer and Ar are arguing in his chambers and they are sort of dating(medieval style?)


Merlin. Always late. Always clumsy. ALWAYS making me late!
Merlin stumbles through the door, chest heaving and breathing heavily.
"Sorry I'm late Arthur...Gaius made me get some herbs...and I am really sorry I ran late toda- how did you get dressed?! " he asks, who stands looking rather gobsmacked.
"Im not entirely dependent on you, you know?"
"You'd be surprised!"
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
I let it drop. I can't go on like this. He is hiding things from me. I just need to play cool...
"Arthur, I need to tell you something..." Says Merlin. I plant a kiss on his forehead. "Sure, what is it?"
I ask unamusingly and taking a step back.
"Please don't be angry..." his voice starts to shake.
"I have....m..magic." whispers Merlin.
"You what?!"
"I only ever use it to protect you I swear! Look it's not all bad! See? Blossomé." says Merlin handing me a beautiful rose. Merlin has magic....no...not you too Merlin!
"How long have you been studying magic. Are you a Sorcerer?!"
"I was born with it, it's my destiny to protect you Sire!" He squeals terrified.
"Is this true? Is this why you always speak of my destiny?"
"Yes." Whispers the man before me, "I have many times saved your life Arthur." I'm doubtful of that.
Merlin lifts up his shirt revealing massive scars across his whole torso and abdomen. "My gosh! How are you alive?! You are dangerous!"
"I am Emrys, the greatest warlock to walk the Earth" he mumbles shakily. Maybe it's not too late.
Could he really be?
But it all makes sense now! I stare down at the crouching, fearful shaking boy below me.
"The World's greatest Warlock fears a king! You are a riddle."
He stares back up, terrified.
I reassuringly help him up. "Its okay Mer, I understand."
I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his neck, his head in my shoulder. "Have a day off."
"Thank you so much!" And he gives me a huge kiss on the mouth, before running out of the room.

As I pass Morgana's old chambers I feel a hand wrap around my waist. What is going on???
"Where do you think you're going buster?" And then everything goes dark.


Gaius rushes to my chambers. Oh no
What has happened?
"Sire Merlin is missing."
"At first I thought he was with you but Sir Gwaine said he only saw him exit your chambers briefly."
No. Merlin.
A/N: i am so sorry i took long, every time i wrote I didn't like it so i kept re-writing and procrastinating and i have also had lots of work and been ill lately.
Lemme know if you want to continue the last lil story😘😘😘😘😘thanks for the reads
-Áine (onya)

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