The Blue Wolf

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"I trusted you!"
"Arthur I-"
"No Merlin. No. Not this time. You have until sundown. Leave. If ever see your face again, I swear I will strike you down where you stand."
"Please Si-"
"People of magic are purely evil."
Lancelot bowed his in disagreement.
"Every one, every man, woman child who conducts any form of magic with or without intention will be slain.
Under no circumstances will anyone use magic within the borders of Camelot.
I will not waste all that my father fought for."
"Like knighting people of peasant blood?" Asked Elyan.
"Elyan, I will not lose you, Merlin and your sister in one year."
"Camelot was built on loyalty and trust Sire, and forgive me, but if we do not trust others, we won't have anyones trust, let alone a kingdom." Leon had blurted that out rather nervously and Arthur stood in shock.
"To celebrate the exile of this evil sorcerer man we will depart in a hunting trip at sunrise tomorrow."
Okay, he admitted it.
Living in a cave wasn't great fun at all, and was in fact rather horrid.
So Merlin, being a powerful warlock and all, had happened to bring along his potions and spells book.
And in that potions and spells book were many helpful survival resources.
Merlin had tried this one twice,
This potion turned you into a wolf, however, unfortunately even though Merlin had picked the right type of flower, he chose a very unnatural wolf skin tone.
He had picked a blue flower, rather than the white one, so whenever he became the wolf (this he'd only tried twice) his coat went to an astonishing dark metallic blue colour, which was frankly a terrible shade if you needed camouflage.
Nonetheless, he trudged along, blue paws, blue tail through the light rain.
He arrived back at the cave about 7 minutes later, and shook the water if his fur, curling up next to his fire, and falling asleep.
He could smell horses, fairly close.
That wasn't a good sign.
He tilted his ears around slightly anxiously, his neckerchief still slightly damp.
He hooked his shoulder bag over himself, which he conveniently had adjusted the straps on whilst in human form, and stood up swiping a hand through his hair and wrapping his jacket tightly around his shoulders.
Merlin hitched a breath when he heard voices.
"We can rest he-"
Percival saw Merlin.
"Wha-? Merl-"
Merlin ran.
Past Arthur.
Past the knights.
The king signalled to his knights telling them to wait behind and then ran after Merlin.
Arthur watched in awe as the raven boy in front if his horse slowly turned a funny indigo colour and canine shaped.
Merlin held the straps of his bag folded in his jaw.

His lungs were screaming for air, but he didn't want to be killed by Arthur, so he sprinted.
-Before abruptly getting sliced from chest to stomach over a log and tumbling over, howling, and slowly regaining human form.
He started yelling in pain, his whole body shaking, clutching his sides.
Still he wasn't crying.
"Aren't you g'na strike me down where I stand?"
Something snapped inside Arthur, and his heart wrenched at the sight.
There was no spot on Merlin's tunic that wasn't oozing blood.
Somehow, being burned alive seemed a far more pleasant option, thought Merlin.
As the King approached his former-manservant, their eyes met.
Merlin's irises were begging, but they weren't begging for help, they were begging for mercy.
He really thought Arthur would kill him.
Even the state he was in, even though he was exiled and though he was out of Camelot's borders.
Arthur had tears streaming down his face as he stared helplessly beside his bloody friend.
Merlin had begun wheezing deeply for air, and there was never a sound more frightening.
Arthur ran his finger through the rip in Merlin's tunic, and over the wound, tracing it to the other end.
And the blood began to retrieve itself, back into the wound as it started to heal itself, and Merlin, unconscious slowly regained his blue wolf form.
The shaking stopped, along with the wheezes, and it was as though time was rewinding itself.
He was dying, that he knew, but it was like he was losing consciousness, and gaining another.
His whiskers tickled when he felt a hand swipe across his cheek, and stroking across his frame.
There were barely anymore feelings that were that wonderful.
He couldn't resist.
The soft, silky fur coat, more heavenly than any ermine he'd felt.
He had to run his hand across the night colours lining the wolf.
Banishing Merlin! Pft!
What was he thinking?!
He should have known when he got on his horse and talked to his knights with a scarred animal in his arms, that his round table friends were right.
Merlin was harmless.
The royal prat sat for hours by the fire with a Merlin nestled in his lap, just petting him with such adoration, it was insane.
The little resting wolf breathed out a little sleepy huff and turned his head upside down in that adorable way that animals do, making the Pendragon want to shout a nothing into the air because he couldn't handle it.

When he moved to his bed, and woke at midnight to find two lanky arms wrapped around him and a sleepy head pressed to his neck, he decided his little wolf-boy wasn't banished.
He turned to face Merlin, trying not to wake him, only to discover there were no longer two arms around him, but in fact two beady eyes staring at him, he gave a smile, and in return got licked across the face, and a paw tapping his nose.
He let out a chuckle, and cuddled the little whiskery animal to his chest.
Hi been busy
Making excuses. (Sherlock, Dr who, merlin fanfics)

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