Cold Stone Floor

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You're sitting by the pond.
Across the small pond is that boy with yellow hair.
He is picking up rocks off the floor and throwing them into the water.
Water splashes onto you.
You chuckle.
You get up from the grass, and run through the knee-deep pond, much to your mother's disapproval, as your wellies fill with water, and your batman shirt gets drenched.
Mother, however, doesn't stop you from making friends with Arthur, who gets told off by his mum for splashing a stranger.
You decide you like this 'Arfur' person.


You're over at the Pendragon house, you stand at the front door holding some rather expensive face paints wrapped scrunched paper in tape and string.
Uther answers the door, and Mother blows you a kiss goodbye.
You step into the house.
'Hello Merlin!' Says Uther.
'Hello Mr P'dragon!' You say, holding Arthur's present over your head proudly.
'Oh!' Says Uther, 'did you wrap this by yourself? Well done!'
You hug Mr Pdragon, and thank him and then say 'Can I find Arthur now?' Before scurrying along upstairs.


'Happy birthday Arthur!' You shout, holding out your present to him.
From mlerin, he reads.
'Thanks Merlin!' Arthur says, reaching to paint your face with an orange blob on his finger.
'Hey! That's mean! You get pink on your face then!'
Arthur does kissy lips, and you smear paint all over his mouth, as if you got everywhere but the lips.
'No my turn again!'
And Arthur kisses you on the cheek. 'Mah!' He says.
Uther laughes, his polaroid printed Merlins shocked face, and he thinks of Ygraine.

'I promise we won't talk Hunith! Because my head faces his feet and my feet face his head!'
'Alright,' says Hunith, 'I expect you asleep in 20 minutes'

And 20 minutes later you're facing each other beneath the quilt.
You pretend not to notice when Arthur puts his arm around you, when you rest your head on his chest, and when you hear your mum on the phone through the door.
'You should see them Ygraine, they're curled up like kittens in winter!'
And as if in response to your mother's comment,  Arthur rests his chin against your head.
'Goodnight Merlsys' he whispers.
'Goodnight Arthur Prattiness'
And he smiles into your hair.

Okay. Fine.
Merlin is okay at football. As in the soccer type.
Okay. He is moderately decent.
Or just the best player on the team.
And he is an okay singer.
And by okay I mean he sounds like a friggin' angel.
But I can sing too.
Sort of...
But for some reason, you feel the need to hear his voice.
Merlin jogs off the field, having scored the winning points, and smiles at you.
You pass him a towel which he wipes himself with, before panting, and slinging an arm around your shoulder.
'You came?'
'Um.. I think it's fairly obvious Merlin.'
You pull back into a smile, and both head towards the icecream shop.


'Hey Merlin?' Asks Arthur.
'What is Pansexual? Does it mean you like pans?'
'Yeah, coz Bisexual is when you like bicycles, and Polysexual is when you lover wearing Polyester.'
'Wow okay, turn down the sarcasm!
But what seriously does it mean?'
'It means your attraction, weather or not sexual, isn't dependent on your sex, gender, or identity, I think. Why do you ask?'
'Coz I thought you might be.'
'Arthur, I've never dated anyone, it would sort of be prejudicial to say what I am now.'


'Hey Merls, up for a ride today?'
'Arthur I am so sorry, but I have Japanese class, can we still go riding say, in an hour from now?'
'Um ...sure! I'll saddle up Torrento later.'
This was it. You knew your sexuality, and Merlin came out as Pan a year and a half ago.
He would tell Merlin.
He had been very sexually confused throughout his recent years, and Merlin coming out made him question his sexuality.
At first he when he googled 'heteroflexible' he found this:
"Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual orientation that is considered to distinguish it from bisexuality. It has been characterized as "mostly straight"
But Wikipedia doesn't decide your sexuality, after research, he came to the conclusion of, Polyromantic, finding it fitted him most comfortably, after an hour of reading on Tumblr.
'You know you can just say it?' Said Merlin.
'Say what?'
'What ever it is you've meant to tell me.'
'Well... I um. Morgana.'
Merlin looked up in surprise, probably thinking, 'Oh no he loves his step sister'
But Arthur said;
'I'm Polyromantic!'
'Yeah well I heard that part, but what does it mean?!'
'I'm attracted to some, but not all genders/identities. Just not totally in a sexual or romantic way...'
'Have you told Morgana?'
'Well...yeah? Just not Dad'
'I doubt he'll mind, as long as you marry someone smart and rich.' You sigh.
'What if I don't want to get married? It's dull.'
'I know.'
'I mean I'd rather marry you Merlin.'
Arthur clasped his hand over his mouth.
'I didn't mean it like that! Sorry!'

The days are spent with Uther trying to remember the definition of Polyromantic, and its difference between being a bit gay and bit straight. It wasn't working.
Uther didn't really care about Arthur's sexuality, he was angry when he found out he had a son with a confusing sexuality, it's all the same to him.
Our days are spent riding around, playing football, and studying like robots.
Final exams were coming up, and we are working way to much, and not sleeping enough.
Life is so hard.

Gap year
12 years.
12 years since Arthur held Merlin like he did when they were kids.
8 empty bottles of beer lay on the coffee table, and Merlin was wrapped snugly in Arthur's arms.
They were both barely awake, having crashed at Morgana's after a party celebrating Gwen's 1st year at Uni.
Arthur had pastel blue patches of dye in his hair from the pharmacy, and Merlin had a flowercrown on his head, while his hair looked a ruffled mess with gold glitter layering it.
'You look ridiculous Merly wherly'
'Ew don't call me that. And I don't care if I look ridiculous because look at how cute I am in a flower crown and a tank.'
'You clotpole. All of your tank tops have The Smiths all over them! I think they're too morbid for someone as cute as you.'
Merlin gave a huge smile, with his eyes closed.
'See? I told you I was cute!'
And they didn't even realise how much material they had just given for Morgana's snapchat story.

When you kiss him, you realised there was no point in coming out, because you knew Merlin was it.
You'd be with him till the end, and nothing would change that.

Mum wants us to get married.
Marriage is dull.

Arthur ended up in hospital today.
Morgana burst through the waiting room, dress shredded, and dripping mascara.
I held Arthur's hand.
'Don't even think about going anywhere Pratdragon, I am armed with my flowercrown cuteness, open your eyes.' And he ooened his eyes.
'Mer'n. Gana... what?'
Morgana approached him.
'You  dislocated your shoulder, and got concussion! How did you manage that?!'
'Leave it Morgana, he'll be okay.'
She sat back down.

'I love you Merlin.'
'But I'm not cute anymore.'
'Of course you are Merlsy. That's why you wear flowercrowns!'
'I'm a bit old for that. 72 year olds don't usually wear them.'
'I love every grey hair on your head' he says, as you cradle him to your chest.'
'And I love your wrinkles, you've earned evr'y one of them.'
You give him a kiss, and fall into eachother's embrace.

Cold Stone (Morgana)
'He's dead.'
'He's Dead.'
Arthur's voice rings through the receiver, and you can hear his yells of despair.
Merlin's gone.
It takes a moment for that to process,
You can't see a world without Merlin.
Without Merlin is without Arthur, it was always the two of them, always, and now, dearest, sweet, charming, funny Merlin was dead. Sobs and smashing objects are heard through Arthurs side, and he probably realised that Morgana threw her shoe at the window, causing and ear-splitting shatter.
'Oh god. Merlin. Arthur-I'm so sorry. Oh god- how?'
'I don't know! I woke up and he was cold next to me! I want him back Gana! I WANT HIM BACK!'
And the call broke off.
Arthur stared at the old polaroid photograph, taped inside the old face paint box, containing also the glitter from Merlins hair, and the flower crown.
The times that they kissed eachother now only existed in his mind and in photographs and videos.
There would be no more shared kisses, or lying in eachother's arms, pleasantly buzzed.
And Arthur clutched Merlin's old tank tops to his chest, and the old paintbox full of memories as he lay, tears in his eyes next to Merlin's corpse.
And he died broken-heartedly.

When Morgana came in, she found him  lying motionless, the record player playing Merlin's vinyl record of The Smiths, the line broke after
'We cannot cling to the old days anymore'  and it hit her like her head colliding, with a cold, stone, floor.

Hi guys! Thanks for your reads! I wrote this on the spot solidly and it took 2hrs.
Its now 2:11 am and I will edit it again by Sunday:) xo -Áine
Ps im still working on a few other chapsXD

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