🌺 Chapter 1🌺

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Ryan's class had just finished, so he was in the halls. He got his locker, and as usual his bully Sebastian Moy came along. He couldn't even put his things in his locker before Sebastian slammed it closed. He sighed deeply and looked up at Sebastian, Sebastian looked back at him and rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck Sebastian?"

"What's wrong baby?"

"Shut the fuck up, I already said not to fucking call me that"

"Aww it my baby mad?"

Ryan rolled his eyes and pushed Sebastian away. He just left the school with his last textbook, he'd just bring it back later. Ryan went to his favorite place, his café. He opened it right when Seri, Jungkook, Lisa and Felix got there, everyone except Jungkook worked there, Jungkook taught people to fight for money to take care of himself and Seri. They didn't need many workers so Ryan just hired Seri and a few of her friends who were a grade below him and Jungkook.

Ryan announced he needed to go to the school real quick and put Seri in charge. After he got there he remembered, Sebastian had practice today. He quickly put his textbook away but Sebastian still got him. He slammed his locker closed again and took it a bit far by pinning him against the locker.

"Baby, what are you doing here? Come to see me?"

"No, that's gross. I came here to put my textbook away"

"You know you could be nicer to me"

"For? You're just annoying"

He slapped him hard.

"Baby, don't upset me"

"Stop fucking calling me "baby" Sebastian! I'm nothing to you and I never will be!"

Ryan pushed him off and was about to walk away but Sebastian grabbed his wrist.

"Ryan you can't just walk off"

"Sebastian, just stop"

Sebastian let him with anger in his eyes, but Ryan's looked in pain and he just walked off back to his café. Ryan had paperwork to do so he asked Jungkook to take over. Sebastian was mad, he was gonna make him pay. After hours, Ryan was the only one in the café or so he thought. Seri knocked on the door looking worried.



"Sebastian wants to....hurt you"


"Lix's boyfriend Hyunjin over heard him say..... he's gonna make you pay..."

"So? Nothing new"

"But I feel like it's gonna be bad....he was getting others in on it...."

"Seri, I promise I'll be okay"

"Don't make that promise! I know you won't.... It's Sebastian Ryan... You need to be careful.."

"Seri even if I won't I know I'll bounce back"

"Please be careful"

"You ready? We should go home"


Ryan took Seri's hand and they started walking home. Jungkook had a class with someone today right now so Ryan and Seri went home together. When they did they got cleaned up and waited for Jungkook so they could have dinner together. Jungkook came back soon with takeout and they started eating together. They all went to their rooms to study or do whatever before sleeping at 11 as they all agreed to sleep around that time so they could go to school together.

Ryan woke a bit earlier than usual, but started getting ready. He wore a soft blue hoodie with black pants, he put contacts in to change his eye color. He grabbed his charged phone and put it in his pocket along with his headphones. He came downstairs to see Seri making breakfast for them. Jungkook came down after Ryan and they started chatting at the table waiting for Seri to finish.

They started walking to school together after eating, Jungkook went ahead while Seri stayed with Ryan just in case Sebastian tried to hurt him. They walked to Seri's locker first then Ryan's before heading to class. Seri wasn't in his class obviously but had it next door to Ryan's.

Ryan sat down in the back, Sebastian thankfully wasn't in this class so he got to prepare mentally before. Ryan listened to the lesson but felt uneasy, was Sebastian planning to jump him? For what? Telling him he's annoying? Ryan didn't know, all he knew is he'd probably get a lot of bruises.  Ryan sighed deeply and focused on the lesson to get Sebastian out of his head.

When he left he put his textbook away, this next class he didn't need one so he just went straight there but unfortunately Sebastian was in this class. Ryan sat in the front while Sebastian sat behind him, Sebastian would throw little paper balls at him that usual had something written inside that insulted him, but this time it told him to watch his back. Ryan at this point was use to abuse, any kind really.

Ryan threw the paper away and looked at Sebastian with no expression. Sebastian just looked mad at him as always. Sebastian did something to bother Ryan the entire class even insulted him while they were supposed to be working together, yes Ryan was paired with Sebastian for this project. Ryan hated this project already, as soon as he heard his and Sebastian's name he hated it. Did fate hate him this much to put Sebastian as his partner? Sebastian stopped Ryan before he left class.

"Baby wait"

"What the fuck Sebastian? Didn't I say to stop?"

"Calm down baby, give me your number"


"I need it"

"No you don't"

"How are we supposed to do the project then?"

"Look you being my pather won't end up well, I'll talk to Ms. Lee and we'll change partners"

"No, I want you"

"Too bad"

"Ryan you're pissing me off"

"I don't care Sebastian"

He pinned Ryan hard on the wall as they we alone in the room. Ryan was kinda scared but his poker face saved him. Sebastian looked livid, staring at Ryan. He then stared at his lips, and Ryan didn't fail to notice. Sebastian licked his own lips making Ryan a little nervous, thankfully the bell rang meaning they were almost late to class. Sebastian looked up at Ryan and said coldly "I'll ask you again later babe". Ryan started catching his breath after Sebastian left.

**Ryan's pov**

What the fuck was that? Was he gonna kiss me? No, he wouldn't do that. Why did he look there? Not even a look, he stared at it but why there? Did he really have to stare at my lips? Is there something wrong with them? I went to the bathroom after getting my textbook, I looked at my lips, there was something wrong with them... So what was he looking at them for...?

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