🌺 Chapter 6🌺

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I tossed and turned all night but I still couldn't sleep, what the fuck did he kiss me for? This was a game, he got his revenge so why? He looked kinda happy to... Ryan stop it! He doesn't like you! I wanted answers though. I got up to get water from the kitchen, I heard someone coming down.

"Ryan? Are you okay?"

It was Seri's voice, I knew this because her voice was always soft and quiet, unless she was excited or mad. I looked up at her and raised my cup showing her what I was doing.

"Ahh can't sleep?"


"Come on"

After I got my water, we went to the backyard, we had made a spot for talking about things. We sat on the blanket there, I looked at Seri and she smiled.

"So what's wrong?"

"Sebastian kinda played me..."

"Well I know that part, I was there when he said it"

"But he kissed me again....and I don't know why"

"Maybe just to make you feel even worse?"

"I don't know Seri..."

"Sebastian actually isn't that bad, just has bad ideas.... He used to be really sweet actually..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well he dated someone before he moved over here, I overheard his brother Oliver say that his ex not only cheated on him but used him for money..."


"Yeah, I did some research and he was really sweet before but that bitch changed him completely"

"So he takes it out on me now?"

"No, he likes you... A lot.."

"No Seri... He wouldn't.."

"Ryan he does... Trust me on this. He hated the feeling because it reminds him of before and he's scared of it happening again"

"But why would he hurt me then?"

"Again, he's changed and I guess when he realized that he not only liked you but was changing back to himself "

"He still shouldn't take it out on me"



"Yeah, make him jealous.. If you like him."

"What do you mean?"

"If you pretend to be even closer to Jungkook, he'll regret everything he's done to you"

"So play him?"

"Kinda, until you decide to break it to him you should think if you like him because if you don't you'll get revenge and if you do probably will end up together"

"I don't know Seri, what if he hurts me again?"

"He needs time Ryan, now let's get inside okay?"

I nodded as I took her hand so she could help me up. We went inside and I laid down thinking if I should really do this. I went to sleep finally and dreamed of being in Sebastian's arms. It was like my safe place, it was warm too. I loved the warmth he gave me when he hugs me. I know it was for revenge but even so I want it. I knew it was so it doesn't hurt too much but it's almost like I need it.

When I woke up, it was early. Maybe if I try to make him jealous, just to see what happens... Seri told Jungkook and we both knew he'd be on board with this. I decided to go with it, there's no harm right? I decided to look my best for once, girls liked me either way but now this is my revenge... I'm not gonna let him do this to me.

*Reference photo*

*A/N: he's so pretty though ㅠㅠ*

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*A/N: he's so pretty though ㅠㅠ*

I came downstairs and started packing things I needed when Seri came down to started breakfast. She smiled brightly, she seemed excited about my look. Seri always loved my looks, she said I looked like Hyunjin sometimes but I don't know. She hugged me tight before starting breakfast. Seri's cuddle bug, she just really loves skin-ship. She and Jungkook are probably the best people I know.

Jungkook came down and sat down at the table. I told Seri I was gonna leave early, she gave make a waffle before I left. I took my car for the first time in a long time. I stopped at my café to see what we needed because we're opening again today. I took note before going to the store near by and came back to put everything away.

I drove to school after, I had a nice car so no knew it was me because they've never seen my car but I didn't feel fear today, I feel confident now and I'm gonna take advantage of it. I have to... People started almost surrounding my car, probably thinking it a new student. Girls started screaming and whatever seeing me get out of the car, I could tell everyone was shocked seeing me right now. They started asking if I was okay, apparently word got out about what Sebastian did.

I could feel eyes on me as I walked to and through the school to find Seri because Jungkook had practice with someone. When I found her she was excited and really happy I was getting my confidence back. I'm still shy of course but I feel okay right now. I didn't like everyone staring or talking about me but I kinda asked for it coming here like this but with Seri I know I'll be okay.

We walked to the cafeteria because we had to for prom coming up. I sat with Seri and saw Sebastian near by, he was with some girl Lia. I wasn't mad or hurt, just annoyed. I went to the bathroom and saw Sebastian hesitating to go as well but guess he needed to. He slowly followed trying to keep his distance. I just needed to wash my hands quickly, I had finished when he came in. I looked up at him feeling nothing really.

"Woah, what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've never seen you like this.."

"Get used to it Seb"

"You look awful though"

"I know you like it.. daddy..."

I walked up to him slowly, he was in shock from what I said and didn't move... I smiled. I took his hand and he was still frozen in place. I grabbed his necklace pulling him down a little. "Someone really liked that" I said getting closer, our lips were inches apart.

He was too shocked to do anything, I smiled again. I pushed him away, not hard just enough to get him back in reality. I started walking away, and gave him a little wave before closing the door. I started laughing at his reaction as I went back to Seri, Jungkook had found and sat with her. I told them everything except for the part where I called him "daddy". They laughed with me because our plan was working, not in the way it was originally planned but still working out nicely...

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