🌺 Chapter 2🌺

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I looked at the time, I missed half of class already I can't just walk in now. I sat on the floor and thought about everything, everything my parents or Sebastian said, everything they've done, really just how shitty my life has been. I started crying, how could this happen, first my parents and now I have to deal with Sebastian's shit.

I felt someone's arms around me, I looked up it was Jungkook... I guess he went to find me. I cried into his chest, he didn't ask he just held me. I heard the door and looked up it was Sebastian, Jungkook didn't hear it though. Sebastian looked at my teary eyes and looked shocked. He mouthed "Don't cry" and left us alone.

After Jungkook left me alone, I washed my face hoping it didn't look like I was crying. I heard the door open again, I thought it was Jungkook again but it was Sebastian. He walked over to me, he didn't seem to have emotions. He hugged me but they bell rang and I didn't want to be late for this class so I pushed him off kinda hard. He grabbed my wrist.

"Ryan, I'm being nice don't push me away"

"Sebastian I didn't ask you to"

"It's because of him isn't?"

"Who? Jungkook?"

"You like him, don't you? Nevermind. Don't expect me to be nice now, I tried during passing period and now but you're just not doing the same. I'll make your life hell now so if you thought I was bad then it's gonna get way worse. I'll give you my number for the project"


"No save it, I get it already you like Jungkook. I'll see you later Ryan.."


I was cut off by Sebastian shoving me down and slamming the door. My side hit the sink and after I fell hard. I laid there in defeat, but my side hurt really bad. I managed to get up overcoming the pain. Seri was going to lunch at this time so when I was going to my locker holding my side, she ran to me all worried.

"Ryan! Are you okay?!"


"Sebastian did this didn't he?!"

"Seri calm down please"

"Why should I?!"

"He's right there.."

Seri looked over to see Sebastian, she did the unthinkable.

"Sebastian you have some nerve doing this to him!"

"Seri, what the fuck are you gonna do about it?"

"I'll beat your ass is what I'll do"

"I bet you can't bitch"

"Ohhh it's on!"

Sebastian threw a punch at her but she doged it easily, Jungkook had been teaching her to fight since she was five after their parents left them. She might actually beat his ass, Sebastian was good too but Jungkook on purpose didn't teach him as much as Seri. Seri was gonna punch Sebastian but I stopped her.

"Come on Seri, he isn't worth it"

"Ryan, He is worth it"

"Jungkook won't take it well"

"Who cares? He hurt you now let go of my hand"

"Tsk, everything is about Jungkook isn't baby?"

"I. Fucking. Said. To. Stop. Calling. Me. That."

"Aww baby's mad again? Just let her hit me"

I saw red, I punched him as hard as possible. He looked livid again but Seri was shocked, I tried to avoid violence all the time. Seri then smiled brightly, she looked at Sebastian who not only looked livid but confused and shocked at the same time. She flipped him off and took my hand, we walked off. She took me to lunch, we got off later then her grade because I don't even know just the way they wanted it to be. We met up with Jungkook after getting our lunch.

"Ryan, I know you were crying in the bathroom earlier but why didn't you come to 4th?"

"I needed the bathroom and when I went to get something from my locker Seri found me"



"Are you okay?"

"Ryan I think we should tell him, maybe he'll understand?"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed, and nodded for Seri to tell him.

"Ryan was going to his locker when I noticed him, he was hold his side and looked in pain so obviously I went to see if he was okay especially because he was in the bathroom and Sebastian had just came out of there really mad. He noticed I was making sure Ryan was okay but Ryan is hurt pretty bad so I saw red and confronted Sebastian and he asked what I was going do about it..."


"I was so mad I said I'll beat his ass..."

"Seri, you need to be careful with what you say!"

"Jungkook, he didn't even touch her, I stopped her before she did everything herself but Sebastian said something and...... I saw red....I punched him hard..."

Jungkook was shocked at what I said. He then stared laughing.

"Oppa? Why are you laughing?

"Because Ryan finally punched him"


"Well I noticed he bothers you a lot so I was wondering when you'd finally break and use moves I taught you"

"Ohhh um yeah"

"But I'm not mad especially with you Seri, just be more careful please?"

We both nodded and started talking about random stuff. After lunch I walked with Jungkook to our next class. Sebastian threw a paper ball at my and I opened it up, it said.

"Meet me later baby, it's important"

Oh shit, is he gonna beat me up for punching him? Surely he knows it was an accident right? I didn't mean to really, I just couldn't control myself. He'd understand right? God I'm really dead now. I looked at him and he looked back but not my eyes.... He was fucking staring at my lips again. I didn't know what to do and Jungkook noticed Sebastian, he threw paper at him death glaring him. I turned around not wanting to know Sebastian's reaction, but I felt his eyes on me. It was making me really nervous, especially because he wants to meet later and who knows what he'll do. I then realized in the note.... He called me "Baby" and I didn't look mad. What if he thinks I liked it? No no no, he wouldn't...right?

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