🌺 Chapter 11🌺

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Ryan's Pov

I got up and headed to the bathroom or so I thought, I rested my eyes for about a minute and then I was in an abandoned building. I looked around a little sick and dizzy, there was a lot of files and papers everywhere. It looked like an old office, the cubicles were empty and there were a few old computers with old papers and pens scattered everywhere. I heard Sebastian calling my name but when I looked around he wasn't there... I spotted him and ran that way as he ran into another room, I went in and it was filled with mirrors everywhere like a maze. I saw Sebastian smile before running into the maze so I followed him but I kept running into mirrors and when I saw Sebastian he'd be so quickly, I couldn't find him even when I called out his name.

I finally found and caught up with Sebastian but when I tried to touch him my hand went through him and he disappeared, I gasped and panicked as he disappeared, am I hallucinating right now? I saw Seri gesturing me to come and she lead me to a room, she said Jungkook and Taehyung was dressed up as a clown and I have to find them like a game. I tried explaining my situation but she disappeared when I turned back to her, I slowly went into the room to find in was filled with clowns... They all looked like they were gonna kill me. How the hell was I supposed to find Jungkook and Taehyung in here? I started looking and there was a mix of real and fake clowns but I couldn't find Jungkook or Taehyung until I got to a corner of the room and found both of them but then I touch them and they disappeared.

I screamed in pain, what was going on? Why was it me? I dropped down crying tried of this, I opened my eyes after a long time and I was in the hospital. The doctor came in and told me that someone snuck some type of drugs in my drink that made me trip really hard, Sebastian had brought me here  right after I passed out and I was kinda in a coma but not really. I could be discharged the next day, everyone and my mom would be contacted since I'm up. I asked who did it but the doctor said it might be best my boyfriend or mom tells me and I just agreed because what am I supposed to do? I waited for a bit before Sebastian got here and he hugged me tight, I asked him who did this to me and his face darken.

"It was our stupid waitress.... Apparently she's Lia older sister and she recognized us immediately but Lia said she only wanted revenge on you for "stealing" me.."

"What the fuck... Does everyone hate me for dating you..?"

"No, just Lia and her family"


"Oh, her family went to jail too"

"Wait why?"

"They stole and sold drugs, that's where Liv got them"

"Again.. what the fuck?"

"But they shouldn't bother you anymore"

"That's good"

I was discharged soon and met up with the rest, my mom threw a small party for me when she heard I was okay. We partied until midnight and after we all went home, I went home with Seri and Jungkook because Sebastian's mom wanted him home for awhile. He's been living with me for a long time without going to see his brothers or mom so she asked if he could stay with them for a week at least, he didn't really want to at first but I convinced him and he asked me to come over in a few days to introduce me to his family. He said they wanted a meet his partner but didn't know it was a guy since his mom knew they'd say unnecessary stuff, I'm glad his mom supported him at least.

**Few days later** (I'm lazy 😙)

I arrived at Sebastian's house and rang the doorbell to be greeted by Sebastian's mom, she hugged me before asking how my parents were doing and when could she meet them. I told her I'd ask my mom about it and my dad was still on a business trip because I didn't want to tell her I don't have a good relationship with my dad, she said if we were okay like she could see through me. I signed and just told my dad hated my for no reason and that I thought he was probably cheating on my mom right now, she apologized for bringing it up and said that I always have them.

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