🌺 Chapter 7🌺

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After the announcement meeting we got the rest of the day off because they had to set up for one and two to give us a chance to get ready for it in a few days. Jungkook Seri and I decided to go to a mall to get everything done and open the café after. We went into the first store and Seri went a little crazy but we didn't buy anything. We went into more and more shops until we had everything we needed.

We went home to change and put out stuff away before going to the café, Seri texted Lisa and Felix while we drove over there, I didn't take my car because I didn't feel like it so I went with Seri and Jungkook. Today I was up front with Seri and Lisa because I didn't have paperwork to do and we were getting a lot of customers.

I was helping a customer when I heard the bell above the door, I looked to see Sebastian with his brother Oliver, Regie and Lia. They sat down while Sebastian came up to me, he seemed shocked to see me here. He looked at the menu while I looked at him.

He ordered and we decided to write their names on the cups and I did something.... He grabbed their drinks went they were done and I went to my office to see his reaction, Jungkook took over for me. I watched his reaction and burst out laughing, the panic he had.

You're probably wondering what I did.... Just wrote "daddy" on it nothing too big. He covered the name on the cup so hopefully no one noticed but Oliver did, I saw him read it but I guess he isn't going to ask about til later. Sebastian excused himself to the bathroom and I thought it was a good time to go see him. When I went inside and he stood there like he was waiting for me to come. He then pushed me against the wall kinda harshly.

"Why did you do that?!"

"Do what?"

"You know what Ryan! What if Oliver saw?!"

"S-Sebastian... S-stop"

He was pushing me harder against the wall so much it was hurting me. I got confidence out of nowhere and pushed him off, I grabbed that same necklace pulling him down and close to me.

"I said stop, you were hurting me.."

"Let go Ryan.."

"Or what daddy?" I said pulling him closer. This time our lips centimeters apart. I watched as he started to get nervous, I smiled a little. I connected our lips, he was resistant at first but slowly kissed me back after about 30 seconds. I broke this kiss first, right when it seemed like he was enjoying it. He looked at me confused, I pecked his lips before leaving him.

"Bye daddy, I have to go back to work".  I quickly left, after seeing his reaction to his new name. He seemed to be enjoying it more every time I say it. I went to the back to my office pretending to do paperwork. Jungkook didn't mind covering for me either. I sighed deeply, am I really doing the right thing?...

**Sebastian's pov (Finally)**

I walked out of the bathroom, I was back with everyone but I couldn't focus on the conversation. I was shocked, Ryan kissed me... I wanted to jump around like I used to do when things like this happened but I couldn't.

"Sebastian, are you okay?"

"What? Oh um yeah"

"Did something happen in the bathroom?"

"N-no" I felt my cheeks getting red.

"Um okay"

To be honest Lia likes me but honestly I'm not into girls or guys, just one person... Ryan. He's so pretty, like I could always appreciate a good looking guy or girl but Ryan is just mesmerizing. I've never felt like this before well of course I've dated and liked people but Ryan was different, like something wants us to be together. I know I was a jerk in the beginning but it was for good reason. My past experiences weren't good.

But something about Ryan is different. He's pretty, sweet and just amazing in general. To be honest the way he looked today was just beautiful... He always looked amazing though. I don't know how my mom we'll react to me liking Ryan... Or Oliver... What if they don't accept me? I would appreciate it if they accepted me but I want Ryan so bad I wouldn't care too much about it. I was ignoring everyone and thing around me. Oliver then slapped my arm.

"Ow! What the fuck Oliver?!"

"Don't ignore us! Is whatever your thinking about that important?"

"Sorry I just zoned out a bit.."

"Seriously did something happen in the bathroom?"

"No Lia...."

"Really? That Ryan guy went in and left normally but you? You come out a little red and now you're spacing out.."

"Nothing happened Lia, I hate him you should know that"

"But it seems like you like him... What am I to you?!"

"Lia not right now..."

"No! It seems like I'm nothing to you! You should appreciate me! He doesn't even like you!"

I knew everyone was staring at us now... I clenched my fist and just walked out. I sat in the alley, I closed my eyes and had my head down. I was like this for a bit until I heard someone coming, I thought it was Lia so I didn't look up. Not until I felt arms around me, I was gonna push her off but decided to look up first just in case it was Oliver......

But I was wrong... It was Ryan... I hugged him back tightly. I couldn't help it, I missed holding him... It wasn't a game really, I meant everything but someone had dared me to do it so I had to say it was a game. I mean the kiss, the hugs, everything. Ryan started snuggling into me, I laid my head on his. I heard someone else coming but I didn't care. I just held him like I wasn't gonna see him again.

**Ryan's pov**

I heard someone coming so I looked in the direction they were coming from and it was Lia. She looked like she was about to cry seeing me and Sebastian. I thought she was gonna walk away but she ran to us and shoved me away hard. Sebastian froze seeing her do this, she started crying hard and hitting me. I felt like fainting, she hit me one last time.... And it did the trick I fainted after a tear left my eye....

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