🌺 Chapter 5🌺

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Kissed me... On my forehead and left me confused in the parking lot. I watched him leave in shock, what was this game? Is he trying to play me? No,  I won't let him. I walked to the front of the school to meet up with Seri. We walked inside together, I walk to my locker with Seri and opened it. There was a note, Seri didn't seem to notice it. I open it carefully.

"Hey baby, I'll text you after school"

I looked at Seri and then the side of her, it was Sebastian. He started walking over to me and Seri definitely noticed him. He walked up to me pretty close, Seri looked confused but went with Jungkook who wanted to take her to class. Sebastian wrapped his arms around my waist, I felt us being the center of attention.

I looked to the side of Sebastian, everyone was staring at us. I started feeling nervous, I don't like being the center of attention. I felt like I was freaking out... My eyes were getting teary. Sebastian seemed to notice so he quickly took me to class, when we were out of sight of everyone he looked at me lovingly... He kissed my cheek and nudged me a little to go into class. I hugged him tight before going, it just felt right. He hugged me back, I know I shouldn't... But I feel like I'm falling for him.

I know it's not a good idea, he bullies me too. Well mostly teases me but I don't know. I sat down and sighed deeply, honestly I'm scared... what if it's all in my head? Or a game? I don't think I could come back to school if it was. I love being in his arms but I can't. This has to be a game... He was really mad at me before this and now suddenly he looks at me like he's in love. He did say he'd get revenge... Maybe that's what this is, it's just revenge. I shouldn't feel this way then. He doesn't like me like that or any other way.

This is all just a stupid game...

After school ended, I ignored Sebastian and met with Seri and Jungkook before going to the café with Lisa as well. When we got there Felix was waiting for us with Hyunjin, his best friend and crush. Felix really likes Hyunjin but he's really scared to tell him. Hyunjin hugged Felix before going to his dance practice.

"Seri, can you come today? After work?"

"Yes, I will"

Hyunjin left and we all went inside. I had to do paperwork as usual, Seri and Lisa were in the front taking and making orders, Jungkook sitting there and kinda like security and last but definitely not least Felix did all the baking. Seri would help Felix sometimes, just when he wanted it. We didn't need much because it was a small place and no one really noticed it so we didn't do much either, we took this time to work on homework or projects for school.

After we closed we went out separate ways. I told Jungkook I wanted to go for a walk because I needed to clear my mind. He looked worried and wanted to say "no" but I guess he didn't because he doesn't want to be controlling like his and Seri's dad was. Jungkook took Seri to dance practice with Hyunjin and Felix went to see Hyunjin, while I went the other way going into another neighborhood.

I walked thinking about everything, Sebastian had to be playing a game. Why would he like me? I sat on a bench as I ended up in a park. I sighed deeply, even if this was a game I still wanted him. I don't know why but when Sebastian's with me my heart starts racing and I feel something in my stomach, when I'm in his arms I feel like nothing could hurt me- I was interrupted by a voice.

"Baby? What are you doing here?"

I looked up hearing the word "baby" I knew it was Sebastian, he's the only one that calls me that. I was right... It was Sebastian.

"Can I not come out here?"

"No, it's just late"

"Is it?"

I checked my phone and it was late right now.

"Wow... I guess it is.."

"Yeah... Did you want to come over? Since it's late"

"No, I'll ask Seri to pick me up.."

"Please? My mom would love you"

"Sebastian I can't, I promised I'd help Seri"


"Her work"

"Her school work?"

"Yes, her school work"

"I heard Jungkook did that?"

"Well yeah but um... He has a class with someone"

"Ohhh okay, call her then"

"Um what?"

"Call her"


I texted Seri before calling her so she could pretend she was coming with Beomhan to get me and not Jungkook.

" Hey Seri, I'm at XXXXX with Sebastian right now. Could you come pick me up?"

"Hey Ryan! Yeah me and Beomhan we'll be there soon!"

"Okay thanks"

I ended the call and looked at Sebastian, he looked convinced enough so I sighed deeply. Sebastian sat next to me, really closely too. He didn't look at me, just sat there. I looked away,  god why am I feeling this? Seri then texted me her and Jungkook were in the parking lot, I got to leave and started walking when Sebastian stopped me. I looked at him, he smiled and it wasn't a good one.

"Tsk, you like me don't you?"


"Ryan it's obvious you do"

"I don't.."

"Well I know you do, don't lie about it now..."

"So what?"

"I would date you.... Too bad it was a game.. now my revenge..."

I was then surrounded by other bullies. I looked at Sebastian hurt and felt afraid of what was gonna happen next. I saw Jungkook coming towards us, looking mad so they all attacked me until I could barely breathe. Sebastian got down to my level, on the floor while the rest kept Jungkook away. I was too weak to do anything, he grabbed my face to look at him...

He kissed me slowly before laughing pushed me away as the rest let Jungkook go and they all started running away. Jungkook ran to me and held me tight, Seri heard everything and went to get the first aid kit in the car. I started crying, I fucking knew it... I cried while Seri treated everything. We went home and I couldn't sleep, even if it was a game I wanted him so bad...

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