🌺 Chapter 3🌺

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I started focusing on the lesson and forgetting about Sebastian. I couldn't focus on him right now. After my last class I went to my locker thinking Sebastian went home already because I forgot he wanted to meet.

When I got to my locker he was waiting for me, I opened my locker and he let me put my stuff away but he hugged me from behind. I froze, what am I supposed to do? I gently pushed him off, he didn't look mad thankfully.

I closed my locker and started leaving the school and Sebastian followed. I didn't know why he was following me but when we got out of the school he grabbed my wrist.

"Ryan, I said to meet me after school. Why are you leaving?"

"Oh right, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay baby"

"Please stop calling me that"

"Why? I like it"

"Well I don't really so please stop"

"I don't think I will, but anyway. Can I have your number now?"


"The project baby"

"Oh um... I guess"

I gave him my number and he gave me his.

"So baby, are you going to apologized?"


"Punching me baby"

"You know I will, I'm sorry Sebastian.."

"I'll forgive you... If you let me kiss you"


"You heard me baby, let me kiss you"

"I-i don't t-think that's a g-good idea.." I studdered.

"Please baby? I'll forgive you.."

"I don't-"

I was cut off by Sebastian's lips on mine. I froze, it was just a peck but it felt like it was in slow motion. I saw Sebastian smile at my reaction, Sebastian took my hand and led me to his car. I didn't refuse because I was still overcoming the shock. Why did he kiss me? Was he waiting to? He doesn't like me that way. It was probably just his strange way to get me to shut up. Why am I nervous now? It meant nothing, we're nothing to each other.

He took me to my house, I got out and he followed, I was confused but remembered the project. I let him in and while my mom kept him busy I changed my clothes. I only come home when my dad is on business trips, he hates me I don't even know why. My mom led Sebastian to my room and he sat on the bed with me. I laid down looking out the window, Sebastian put his arms around me. I didn't refuse, I couldn't. It was kinda nice being in his arms. I felt my eyes getting heavier. I fell fast asleep in his arms.

**Sebastian's pov**

I had my arms around Ryan who was looking out the window. He didn't seem to mind, I looked at him and he was fucking sleeping. I wanted to wake him up but then I remembered Seri telling Lisa that his sleep is getting worse so I let him sleep. It was strange, I had this feeling in my stomach and he looked cute while he was sleeping, am I okay?

I didn't know what to do so I went to TikTok to pass time. He stayed comfortable in my arms and didn't push me away. I then thought about earlier, I fucking kissed him.... Out of nowhere. He had a cute reaction though, it was mesmerizing. I knew he noticed when I stared at his lips, they looked so plump and kissable. Maybe I took it too far though?

I noticed he had a pout while he slept, I took a picture and made sure it was backed up. I don't know why but I loved his pout, it was adorable. I'm not gay though, but you can't deny he's a pretty boy. Ryan was everything to me but I bullied him because I can't find another way to talk to him, I have to be mean or tease him to talk to him, is that bad? I noticed he was waking up, it have been about 30mins so I think he was okay.

**Back to Ryan's pov**

I woke up and felt warm arms around me, it was Sebastian... I slowly got up still tired, but we started working on our project. Surprisingly he didn't bully or tease me in any way, maybe because my mom was here. He still called me "Baby" but I think I'm getting used to it. I started getting really sleepy and Sebastian was just there next to me so I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep again. The last thing I felt was his arms go around me, he was so warm.

**A/N pov**

Sebastian laid back so Ryan could lay down, which made his head go from his shoulder to his chest. Sebastian didn't bother him, he looked comfortable so Sebastian just let him. Ryan started snuggling into him which Sebastian definitely noticed. He thought it was cute, he held him a little tighter and started falling asleep himself. When Sebastian finally fell asleep with Ryan in his arms, he pulled Ryan so close there was no gaps in between them anymore. They cuddled with each other unknowingly. Ryan was enjoying the warmth Sebastian was giving him, plus he enjoyed being held. It made him feel loved, Jungkook held him while he'd cry or really just when Ryan needed it.

**Ryan's pov/The morning**

I woke up and felt an arm around me, I was confused and assumed it was Jungkook but when I looked it was Sebastian. I panicked and pushed him off and quickly got out of bed. Thankfully I didn't wake him up, I went to the bathroom to get ready. When I got out Sebastian was missing, I went downstairs and my mom was making breakfast.

I assumed he went home, I went back to my room and I was about to turn around to close the door but the I felt arms around my waist. It was Sebastian, he was getting ready in Jungkook's old room apparently. He turned me around to look at me, I looked everywhere but his eyes, I couldn't. We kissed, hugged and cuddled while sleeping, I couldn't look at him in the eyes anymore after that. He moved my head so I would look at him but I didn't still.

Sebastian sighed and took my hand, he led me downstairs to eat. My mom looked at me weird, I guess she was thinking we're together. Did she see us cuddling? I really hope she didn't... Maybe she'll think we're just close. After I ate Sebastian took me to school, he then-

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