🌺 Chapter 8🌺

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!! Bad Smut ㅠㅠ!!

"Lia, what the fuck?!"

"I had to! I can't stand you together! I was always there for you but no! You like this bitch over me!!"

"Don't you dare talk about him like that! He's MY everything! I know you were there! But I don't like you that way!"

"What the fuck does this mother fucker have that I don't?!"

He didn't care what she had to say any more, he pushed her aside to help Ryan. He picked him up bridal style as Lia yelled terrible things about Ryan. Sebastian put him in his car and went to his secret place, which was just an apartment far away from everyone. He bought it to get away from people went he needs to, no one knows about this place not even Oliver.

He put Ryan in his bed and laid with him, he felt really bad for what Lia did. He held him waiting for him to wake up but soon fell asleep himself because ever since he did that to Ryan he felt awful and couldn't sleep without making it up to him. He kissed his forehead before falling asleep, he held Ryan like he was really fragile and would break like glass. They cuddled once again sleeping comfortably.

Ryan woke up feeling arms around him. He knew it was Sebastian without looking at the person because he was the only one around besides Lia when he fainted and Sebastian was the only one who made him feel safe. Ryan felt light headed, probably hit his head somewhere. He tried to leave Sebastian's arms but he couldn't without waking him up.

Sebastian woke up to himself cuddling Ryan but he was awake. He pulled him closer and held him tighter, he missed this so much. He loved Ryan when he first saw him and he'd do anything to make Ryan stay with him. Ryan turned around to face Sebastian. Ryan pecked Sebastian's lips before snuggling into his chest.

"How are you feeling Ry?"

"Mm better"

"That's good"

Ryan knew it was a bad time to ask but he had to know.

"Why'd you play me...?"

"I was dared to..... But really.. I meant everything..."

"So that's why you kissed me after....."

"Yeah... I was hoping it'd make you feel better..."

"Kinda... It confused me more though.."

"I'm sorry Ry.... My past relationship wasn't good.... But I love you and I...... I was afraid to admit it..."

"Don't be.... She was a jerk... She just didn't see how good you were before everything"

"You knew about it...?"

"Seri overheard..... she's good at keeping secrets but I guess she felt like it was important for me to know.."




"I......... I love you too.."

Sebastian felt his heart beat faster. Ryan sat up leaving Sebastian laying there. He got up to get water, after drinking a bunch he sat in Sebastian's lap who sat up while he was gone. Sebastian immediately put his arms around Ryan's waist. Sebastian was looking into his eyes, feeling like this was too real to be true.

Ryan decided to make the first move, he connected their lips together. Sebastian following his pace instantly, Ryan broke the kiss for second and pushed Sebastian to lay down then climbing on top. Continuing the kiss, he put his hands up Sebastian's shirt teasing him. Sebastian wrapped him arms around Ryan's waist. Sebastian didn't want to be a bottom so he switched their position with Ryan on the bottom. Ryan smiled brightly seeing how much Sebastian really didn't want to be a bottom.

Sebastian melted seeing his smile, he loved it it was one of his favorite things about Ryan. Sebastian continued their make out, he slipped his hands under Ryan's shirt and gently touching him. Sebastian then moved from his lips to his neck. "Mmm no....marks"  Ryan managed to say."Sorry baby, no promises". Sebastian started slowly making marks all over his neck before going back to his lips. After a while he slowly lifted his shirt off, marking him everywhere. Ryan's moans made Sebastian excited and it was the most beautiful thing he's ever heard, he definitely wanted to hear more of it.

Ryan tried not to be loud, especially since he didn't know exactly where he was. Sebastian put his cold hands on his thighs, after he went back to his lips kissing him roughly. After taking the rest of their clothes off, Sebastian grabbed some lube from a drawer. "You just have that?" Ryan asked confused, Sebastian nodded smirking a little. He put a good amount on his member and went back on top of Ryan.

"I'm gonna guess it's your first time baby?"

"It's that obvious?"

"No, but you're shy so"


**Sorry y'all I can't go any further than this ㅠㅠ**

After a shower, they laid down and cuddled. Sebastian was extremely happy they made up and Ryan? He decided maybe revenge isn't the answer here, maybe they just needed to talk it out but neither of them could. But whatever they did or planned before didn't matter anymore... They were together.

It was about 1am when Sebastian woke up because of a notification from his phone. He looked at Ryan who was sleeping peacefully next to him. He smiled before opening the text... It was from Lia. It was a video of Ryan and Seri somewhere. "So play him?" "Yeah".

Sebastian's heart dropped. He wanted to cry but remembered earlier, he wouldn't fake that right? He didn't want jump to conclusions, he saved the video and used Ryan's phone to get Seri's number and sent her it with a text saying it was him and asking if this was true.


"Hey Seri, this is Sebastian... Is this true?"

Sebastian was hurt even though it wasn't confirmed. He hoped it wasn't and that Ryan wasn't lying to him about everything..... Especially because he said he love him. Sebastian got more worried seeing Seri typing...

"Sebastian who sent that to you? That's not true I promise! Ryan really loves you.... Btw is he with you?"

"Lia sent it to me, and he's with me"

"Look, he wanted help... You confused him and he couldn't sleep. I suggested he get back at you but he seemed really unsure about it so I said see how it plays out and you could play him if you don't like him but I knew he wouldn't because I saw the way he looked at you even though you hurt him"

"Really? I wanted to ask because well I don't want to lose him... And I didn't mean to hurt him... I was dared to... And if I didn't something bad would happen..'

"Lia probably edited the video, it's fake I promise"

"No I know, don't worry I believe you Seri"

"So Ryan's with you? Did you make up already?"

"Yeah... I told him everything about it and he's okay with it, he's sleeping btw"

"Ahh I thought so, he loves his sleep"

"What's Jungkook's relationship with him...?"

"Oh we're all childhood friends, Jungkook is like his brother and I'm like his little sister"

"Why is he so protective of him though?"

"His dad hates him.... He used to be abusive but stopped as he got older but still is when drunk.... And he'd purposely get drunk for an excuse to.... So after me and Jungkook's parents left when we were kids we lived in a treehouse we found in the woods near his house"

"That's terrible...."

"But as Jungkook got old enough for a job we got an apartment and all three of us stayed there together.... And now we still live together but in a bigger place and though Ryan only goes to see his mom... Jungkook swore to keep him safe no matter the cost......."

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