🐈‍⬛Stoneheart Part 2/Meet Ikati Black🎮

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"The Stoneheart copies are scattered all over Paris, and for the time being, they are showing no signs of movement. Police have cordoned off the areas."

"We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but for now, we're not making much headway."

"Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Scarlet Beetle and Ikati Black, to save us all. Our lives depend on them."


"Come on, dad! I've waited forever for this! Besides, they aren't even moving!"

Gabriel Agreste learned from his own mother at an early age to never give in to pressure, from anyone and to say no when he feels like it. Of course, this contributed to his high fashion-type outfits while other kids wore jeans and cartoon character shirts, and over time, made him one of the most successful fashion tycoons in Paris, made him millions every six months, and brought him to the love of his life. And all he did was say no to some things in life that would either get him swindled, killed or both. But... There was just something about his son that made him forget the two-letter word.

"Adrien, your father's right," Emilie Agreste chimed in. Many women would be jealous. A woman in her forties not looking a day over twenty-five and showing no signs of greying? That is how beautiful she is. Though it could be due to the beauty regimes she does for her movies. "You were sick the first day yesterday, and now there are those stone monsters outside." She gently places her hands on the blonde boy's shoulders. "Sweetie, we're only trying to keep you safe."

"You've been keeping me safe for almost fifteen years now," he countered. "I want to meet other people-"

"You meet tons of other young models during shoots," Gabriel said.

Adrien scoffed. "Yeah, but they're all snobs like Chloe." His parents looked like they were biting their tongues to refrain from saying anything bad about the girl. "Come on, I'll be careful, Nathalie and Gorilla will be one call away. I'll be perfectly safe."

Gabriel and Emilie look from their son to each other, having a silent conversation. They knew this day would be coming, but they just weren't prepared for it. Adrien's a smart boy, knows how to spot unsavory influences a mile away, how to throw a punch thanks to Nathalie, but they still couldn't help but worry and they have even more reason to with Monarch running around!... But, as long as the tone monsters remain still and the heroes take care of everything...

Gabriel sighed in defeat, letting Adrien know he had won. "You can go-" He's cut off by Adrien pulling him in for a hug, which he gladly returns. "You're welcome, Adrien."

"Thanks, you guys!" He goes to hug Emile before bolting out of the door. "I'll see you later!"

"And stay away from Chloe!" Emilie yelled after him. "I'm serious, dear!"

"She's not terrible." Emilie shoots him a look that says, 'Are you sure about that?' "... Okay, maybe he should keep his distance."

"Yeah, with a ten-foot pole."


"So, what's this robot you're working on called, again?"

"They're called Markov," Max explained, speaking into his phone while the Kwami of Destruction hid in his shirt collar to remain unseen. "I'm almost done, but there are still some things I need to add-" An arm appears in front of him, blocking his path.

"Careful, citizen," said a police officer, putting a perimeter around one of the Stonehearts. "Just walk around."

Max nodded as thanks then continued his way to school. "... You think Scarlet Beetle will take care of this?"

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