🦋The Bubbler🫧

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Like every single year, Adrien woke up to bright balloons to his right, a tray of cupcakes to his left, and his family with huge grins saying, "Bon anniversaire, Adrien!" Eagerly, he sat up out of his bed and quickly hugged his parents before hugging Nathalie and then Gorilla.

"Thanks, you guys!" He beamed. Even though they've been doing this for fifteen years, he never gets tired of it. This was his day, his parents always cleared their schedules just to make time for him, and at the end of the day, they'd all go out to a nice restaurant where they'd give him their gifts. Being wealthy, many would expect only the most lavish gifts, like a new phone, a car, or gold jewelry, but Adrien's family knew him better than that. For him, they got him the latest mangas, a few collectibles from his favorite tv shows, and maybe a nice jacket or two from his father's collection.

Gabriel chuckled as he sat down on the bed. "Now, Adrien, your mother and I have been thinking about this ever since we decided to stop homeschooling you, and um... We thought that this year, maybe you'd like to celebrate your birthday a little differently." Off his confused expression, he continues, "You're at that age where you might like to-"

"Whoa! We had this talk, dad," Adrien interrupted, having some idea of where this conversation was headed. Nathalie slapped a hand over her mouth to hold back a laugh while Gorilla and Emile just snickered.

"Not that," Gabriel bemoaned, much to Adrien's relief. "I meant, we've always planned your birthdays and we think, maybe this time you'd like to plan your party this year."

"Invite any new friends over, have the chefs prepare a nice buffet for everyone, maybe head into the game room," Emile added. "What do you think?"

He's only been going to DuPont for three weeks now, and yet, Adrien's managed to make friends with all of his classmates and the science class students. They're a fun group of people, and he highly doubts any of them would say no to a mansion party with five-star restaurant-worthy desserts and video games that won't be released for another month, that is if they're not busy today, of course.

"I guess it couldn't hurt," Adrien said with a shrug then took one of his cupcakes. "I'll text them and see." Emile kisses his forehead before heading to the door.

"Make sure to shower and get dressed, dear. School starts in an hour," she said, leaving the room with Gabriel, Nathalie, and Gorilla following behind.

Once they were gone, Adrien looked around in his bed for his phone, a common thing he does when he stays up on some nights reading anime fanfiction and then falls asleep with his phone in his hand which somehow then gets lost in his sheets. Finally, he finds it under his pillow and opens up the class group chat he and Alya were recently added on to.

Blonde Wonder:
Morning, guys

Bon anniversaire!

Smol Thespian:

Son of Poseidon:

Purple Emo Bangs:
Bon anniversaire

Max Makes Mechs:
Good morning and Bon anniversaire

They See Me Rollin':
Bon anniversaire, dude!

DJ Lahiffe:
Bon anniversaire my brother!

Shit, I almost forgot! Bon anniversaire!

Blonde Wonder:
🤣 How does everyone know it's my birthday?

Dude, your birthday is public knowledge...

Same for your height, weight, address, and a bunch of other creepy stuff the paparazzi leaked out

Red Emo Bangs:
Damn, Mari

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