🦋Mr. Pigeon🐦

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"Dad, I am begging you right now, do not embarrass me! Especially in the morning!" The designer merely chuckled and waved his son off as they made their way up the stairs to the school. "Come on! I'll do whatever you want!"

"Adrien, relax. It'll just be a quick visit, in and out." Noticing a few students whispering and pointing, he gives them a polite wave, then continues. "And you told me how creative your friends were, so this will be a wonderful opportunity for them."

Adrien groaned. Him and his big mouth. Why couldn't his dad just come to school via tablet like he usually does when going to business meetings with people he doesn't like? Though, that still won't save him from embarrassment as he just knows his dad is going to take one look at Marinette and ask, 'Oh, aren't you the young lady who danced with my son at his party?'

Then everyone's going to be looking at him all day with big smirks on their face and think, 'When's your dad planning the wedding?'

... For some reason, that didn't sound all too bad. It's certainly better than being married to some rich snob who only wants him for his looks and money. Plus, Marinette would probably make his suit, her dress- That is, if she wants to wear a dress, he's not judging-

'NO! Bad! She's just a friend.' Besides, he's sure Marinette doesn't even like him that way... Or anyone that way. Before he could speculate some more, he and Gabriel were already making their way towards the door to his classroom.

Adrien gives his dad one more pleading look for good measure. "Please, please, please don't embarrass me."

"Adrien," he chuckled. "What have you got to be embarrassed by? It's not like I brought photos of you when you were five and you went through your Team Rocket phase-"

"Not so loud!" Adrien groaned. After taking a few breaths to calm himself down, Adrien opens the door and makes his way inside. "Everyone, you all remember my dad, Gabriel Agreste."


Gabriel tried not to cringe as the owlish man he recognized as the headmaster approached and immediately gave him a hearty handshake. "Ah! Monsieur Agreste, it is a pleasure to have you visit our school!"

The designer swore he saw the cartoon dollar signs in his eyes as he glanced down at his gold watch. Slowly, he pulls his hand from the man's grip. "Yes. Well, thank you for having me." If this man starts with the, 'If there's anything I can do for you,' routine just to get in his "inner circle", Gabriel might just pull out his hair. Hell, he didn't even have an inner circle. "Now, I'm sure you've informed the students-"

"Of course! They were all given a day to work on their individual pieces, and-"

Gabriel put a hand up to stop him before gesturing for Adrien to head to his desk. "A day? Monsieur Damocles, I'm not sure how you design articles of clothing, but you can't give students, some of whom I'm sure are inexperienced when it comes to designing, a day to complete a project. Why it took me a month to come up with the pantsuit Emilie wore to the charity gala last year." Out of the corner of his eye, Gabriel noticed a certain pigtailed girl with literal stars in her eyes. Resisting the urge to smirk, remembering that she was the girl Adrien danced with, he continued, this time, addressing the students.

"Now, let me give you a more... Updated explanation of what it's required of you all to do. As your principal informed you, I am holding a contest which is completely optional," he emphasized, getting the feeling Damocles left that part out. "But you are encouraged to participate either solo or in a group and create a bowler hat which my son will wear for his upcoming photoshoot. For those who do not know how to sew, you are free to sketch out a design which I will then bring to life, or feel free to upcycle." Looking around the room, he sees a redhead, a girl with rainbow hair, and a goth girl fighting the urge not to cheer and interrupt him. "Buy a plain bowler hat at the thrift store, make it look bold, unique. And for those who know their way around a sewing machine..." The pigtailed girl was practically bouncing in her seat. "Go nuts."

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