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"Grade Representative Elections," Alya reads off the poster. "Don't you mean Class President?"

"Nah, each grade in the school has a representative, sort of like a diplomat," Nino explains. "The President's spot is reserved for the Seniors. They organize events and listen to representatives about issues with the classes, it's a whole thing."

Alya reads the poster and then nods to herself. "Hm. Alright." She and Nino walk to class. "So, who's our Grade Representative?" When Nino threw his head back with a groan, she already had a feeling. "Don't tell me... Chloé?" Of his nod, she mimics his previous action. "That girl is representing our entire grade?! Why did you all even vote for her?!"

"We didn't. No one else ran." Overhearing their conversation, Juleka decided to add her two cents. "Chloé uses blackmail and intimidation to make sure no one else runs against her. But, really? I think she's just too lazy to write her own campaign speech." The bespectacled students look at each other and nod. "Last year, Reshma tried running, and everyone was totally on board with her campaign, but Chloé threatened to have Damocles shut down the manga club if she continued."

Alya looked like she was about to scream, but then just sighed. "That man better grow a spine."

"It ain't just Damocles, Alya," Nino sighed. "Reshma's just as rich as Chloé, but her parents don't have the Mayor's influence. And that's how she got what she wanted. Hell, even the Austins know not to cross her because, as I said, they don't have the Mayor on their side." He chuckles a bit and pulls up something on his phone. "Although, I think this year will be just a little different. Check it out. With the mayoral elections coming up, Bourgeois has been scrambling to try and make sure he gets re-elected."

"I heard he's making Chloé do community service," Juleka chortled. And on cue, a frustrated scream could be heard as Chloé stormed through the front doors of the school with visible bags under her eyes. And you could tell her mood really was bad because she managed to push Ivan and Denise out of her way. "Yesterday, she worked at a soup kitchen and planted trees with kindergarteners the same week she got her manicure."

Marinette sighed wistfully as she passed by them. "While that does sound great at first, it'll only push her to be more ruthless in the Grade Rep election."

"Even if no one's running?" Alya questioned. "Is she even a good Grade Rep?"

"Well... Every field trip is super expensive so it takes our entire grade months to raise money for," Juleka starts listing. "But that's kinda the same for everyone. But for us, most of the time it's at some five-star place with nasty rich white guy food."

"And she never helps with the fundraisers," Marinette mentions. "She shoots down all of our ideas and comes up with ones that take up like half the day." She presses her face against the wall and bites her hand to hold in a scream. "This one time, she rented a traveling circus for three days! And for three days, our whole class was the carnies! A girl can only take so much pie being thrown at her face, Alya!"

Juleka pats her friend on the shoulder with a sympathetic look. "There, there. It's all behind us now. But Alya, in short, Chloé is not a good representative. She only cares about herself, she plans events that only cater to her likes, and if anyone has a problem with it, she makes sure to make the school year a living hell. Last year near the end of the school year, Rose mentioned she'd want to run for Grade Rep this year, but Chloé threatened to get her kicked out of the scrapbook club. That's like her thing, messing with clubs her competitors are in."

Alya scowled. She's only known Rose for a while now, but that girl is sunshine and rainbows in human form. How anyone could just go and threaten someone so sweet is beyond her.

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