He's tall

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Blossom here 

Eve is 13 from this point but the accident happened when she was 4. Just to clarify.


Another day, same old things. The other kids pushing my chair too the other end of the room so they can laugh as I drag myself along the floor. The bell that signaled breakfast rang as I got sat on the chair. Once I was at the table we blessed the food and started eating. The staff at the orphanage always keep a close eye on how much I eat. Apparently i'm too skinny for my age but I feel fine.

Then it was time to go to the school area. While I was trying not to fall asleep, my name was called, "Eve, someone is here too see you." This was unexpected, no one would ever want too adopt, or even foster me. I got to the front desk and saw 3 tall brown haired people.

Daichi Pov

My parents were always wanting to adopt a kid, but wanted to wait until the end of my 3rd year in high school. Today since I got a day off from school, we are going to an orphanage too adopt  one of the kiddo's. After 10 minutes in the car we arrived. "Daichi, do you want a brother or sister?" "I don't mind ether way." All I want is to give them good home. As we walked in the distant sound of children laughter echoed in the room. "Can I help you?" The woman at the desk asked us. "We were wondering if we could adopt." My mother told the lady. "What age range are you interested in?" My mom and dad looked at each other then me. "Who has been here a while?" I think that was a good answer to the question.

The woman's face changed slightly, then handed us a piece of  paper. "She has been here for 9 years, but is in a wheelchair and paralyzed." 9 years! That's ages but also understandable. I think she will be perfect. My mom whispered something to me and dad, "I think it is a good choice." We all nodded in agreement and then, "She sounds perfect, can we meet her?" The lady nodded with a smile and got up and walked away. A few minutes later she came back with the girl. 

"Hello, my name is Eve, nice to meet you." She said that pretty quietly and she looked down too. "Hi, I'm Daichi Sawamura." I held my had out for her to shake, she reached out and grabbed it. Her hand was shaking. "You are adorable!" My mom exclaimed, then both my parents introduced themselves. "So, what do you like?" Mom must be keen to know her interests. "Sitting and normal volleyball, Wheelchair rugby and music."

Eve Pov

He's Tall. They all seem nice. I wonder if they will actually adopt me or swap me for one of the younger ones. "Eve, do you want them to take you?" I nodded, I quite like them, the woman that came in's face lit up. 'I guess they are taking me.' "I think she's the one." They all started signing things as I was told to grab my things. All I wanted to take with me was the teddy I had from when I was a baby, my phone and earbuds, my only picture of my parents, my small volleyball and some clothes.

When I came out the woman came up to me, "We are your new parents! I'll grab your things, Daichi show her to the car." She proceeds to take everything except my phone and earbuds, then I follow Daichi to there car. He opens the door then pauses. "Do you need help?" I shook my head and he left me to get into the car. After I was sat he took my chair and put it in the back, then sat next to me. His phone lit up.

Daichi Pov

My phone lit up, it was a text from Suga.

Suga  Daichi

Hey I thought we were meeting at the park

Yes we are but I forgot to tell you, my parents wanted to adopt a kiddo so we are at the orphanage.

Oh, Ok. Can I come round to your's then?

Yea be there in 10

I completely forgot we planned to meet. "Mom, can Suga come over, we agreed to meet at the park but I forgot to  mention this." She nodded, then said "Eve, are you ok with that?" She just nodded without saying a word. She was watching a wheelchair rugby match and seemed pretty into it.

757 words

Blossom here

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, this is the second book I am writing so updates will be slow. Go check out my other book,

I'm Confused Tsukishima X Reader

Hope you enjoyed!

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