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Eve Pov

It's the day of my doctor's appointment and I am getting nervous. I never am nervous for these, so I don't know what is different. Me, mom, Daichi, Suga and Asahi got into the car. Once we got there, we had to sit in a room for at least an hour before my doctor came in, Dr Chikako. "Hello Eve, how are you?" She asks that every time. So, I reply the same every time, "No different." She then started the exams which stay the same, trying to move my toes, I haven't been able to in a while. Her face changed a bit but didn't say anything. Then she started asking some questions that she hasn't asked a lot. "Do you ever see your legs move?" Well, this is weird. "No, but when I wake up my legs sometimes have moved." I never thought about that before, "Can you ever feel things on your legs or feet?" This is weird, she has never sked me these things before. "Every once in a while, I feel my socks move on my ankles." I just thought it was a normal sensation. She nodded to herself and took Mom and Daichi out the room. As soon as they left, I went to pick the skin on my hands, it was a bad habit from when I was young. Suga grabbed my hands.

They came back in a few minutes later but didn't say anything. She continued doing what she usually does, nothing is different, but when she checks if my legs have grown since the last time, I swear I watched my ankle move, but I didn't notice it and she didn't see it so it must have been my imagination.

Once she finished, we left but she handed Daichi some papers. I have no clue what they are. On the way home we were listening to some music. I guess I started picking my hand because Daichi held one of them. I never liked listening to music from the radio in the car. It just stresses me out for no reason. We got home and I went to get a snack. I came back and the third years were gathered around Daichi reading what the receptionist gave him. "What's that?"

A smile crept onto his face, "Come here and I'll show you." What is he up to? I went over to him, then he handed me the papers.

Note: There has been slight signs that Eve Sawamura is gaining some sensations in her legs. Walking may be possible in the future. She can start doing Light strength building exercises such as: trying to move toes, ankle, knee, or trying to stand with support.

A smile landed on my face. Daichi smiled as well. "Want to try them?" He asked but already knew the answer, "Of course, why wouldn't I?" He jumped up and hugged me.

The next day (The day of the training camp)

"Eve, get up if you want breakfast." "I'm up" I woke up early which is unusual and was already ready. I went downstairs and saw a good breakfast. I blessed the food and started eating while Daichi got ready. He came downstairs a bit later with my bag that I forgot to get for the camp. We left 10 minutes later and we're on our way to practice. I said hello to everyone then left since my homeroom teacher needed me.

Once I got there, she looked at me as if I had done something wrong. "Why are you lying to the school about your paralysis?" Hold on. WHAT?? "What do you mean lying?" She looked like she was being serious. "Someone walking by the volleyball gym saw you standing and playing volleyball." WHY does this happen to ME? " I wasn't playing their volleyball, I was playing the sitting version, And I was just seeing whether I could stand with support, guess what, I Can't." Her face changed to shock as I rested my hands on the table and tried to pull myself up to stand. I was only up for less than a second. Her face twisted as she said, "I'm so sorry, I was only relaying what was said by another student."  I told her it was fine but to look into things rather than believe. Then all the other people in my homeroom class came in. 

Time skip to after school

Once I was let out of lessons, I had to try and evade the crowded hallways as usual, but I had extra pressure today, I had to get to where the bus is within 10 minutes. I managed to get there before everyone else which surprised me. Coack Ukai and Takeda were there though, then Tsukishima and Yamaguchi came. Tsukishima always has this joke where he secretly locks the brakes of my chair, so I always have to be alert around him. Once all the team was here, we got on the bus for the 4-hour ride. 'This is going to be torture'

Throughout the ride, there was lots of music and talking, I sat with Kiyoko and Yachi. They were exchanging stories of the team before I got there, they were all pretty funny. Then halfway there, there was a car horn and I jumped, I always hated that. Kiyoko saw me shaking and hugged me while covering my ears. A few minutes passed like that, until I calmed down a bit. I opened my eyes to see I was in Daichi's lap. He seemed to notice I was still pretty panicked, so he just hugged me. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to a lot of screaming. Hinata threw up. Daichi carried me off the bus, then he flipped me onto his back, I was holding on for dear life. Then a voice from behind us.

"So, Daichi how you been?" I looked and it was this rooster looking dude. "Kenmaaaaaa!" Hinata ran to a boy with two tone hair. "Hey Shoyo" Daichi turned around quick, so I grabbed hold of his shirt even tighter. "Who's the girl?" I hid my face behind his head. "My sister, Eve." "You never told us you had a sister." Uh oh. "We adopted her a few months ago." I tried to hide even more but fell from his back. Luckily not on my head. "Ack!" Everyone turned around to my direction. "I'm fine!" Daichi picked me back up and followed the rooster to a room. While he was walking, all the people in the corridor were staring, sometimes I wish I was normal.

We all got called into the gym after a while, I asked Daichi to carry me, I was feeling lazy. While we were on the way, Hinata and Noya screamed and scared me. Daichi turned around in shock.

Daichi Pov

The two shorties on the team screamed once they saw someone and managed to scare Eve, and both her legs kicked into my back. I tried to hide my reaction. Suga must have seen it since his eyebrows were raised. We got into the gym, Eve was still on my back, then coach started talking. "Everyone, we have a physically disabled manager here, treat them with respect of face the consequences!" Everyone said, "Yes sir!" I stood up with Eve on my back and left to get her some food, she seemed against it though. "I'm not hungry." She kept repeating, but she only had a slice of toast today.

Eve Pov

Why does he care so much, we went into the cafeteria, and he set me down on a bench. He came back a few minutes later with strawberries, where he got them, I have no clue though. We went back into the gym since they were doing some training. I went to a corner, got out of my chair and did some receiving. Then a guy who looks like his hair exploded came up to me. "Hey Hey Hey what's your name?" He scared me a bit, so I started stuttering, "U... uh I'm E... Eve" He looked at me like an owl, "Wanna spike with me?" This guy is dumb, someone behind him said something, "Bokuto, that's the manager Karasuno's coach was on about." "Ohhhh, sorry. Thanks Akashi." 

After a while I was wanting to leave the gym, but my chair had been moved. 'This is amazing.' Trying to slide along a wooden floor while sweaty is quite hard. At least Suga wasn't playing so he came over, I hate when people have to stop something to help me, it makes me feel like a burden. I left the gym and went to the managers room to watch a wheelchair rugby match.

The match ended right around when everyone was finishing dinner. It was onigiri, and amazing but I only had 2 since Daichi practically force fed me strawberries earlier. I was sat with Daichi, Suga and Asahi. It was around 9 when the baths were free for the managers, but there was a problem for me, stairs. "Are. You. Joking?" I managed to pull myself up the stairs, with Kiyoko getting my chair. The rest was smooth sailing. Little did I know, the 3rd years were discussing something quite important.

1531 words

Blossom here

Hope you enjoyed this chapter; this is one of the longest chapters I have ever written but also the most fun! If you haven't already, check out my other book:

I'm Confused Tsukishima x Reader

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