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Daichi Pov

We were discussing how we could make life a bit easier for Eve since we realized she couldn't make food for herself. Then we heard her fall off of her bed. I ran upstairs and walked into her room. "Eve are you Ok?" She was sat on the floor with a volleyball next to her. "Yup." She looked a little embarrassed. "Dinners ready if you wanna come down." I said since we had also finished cooking.

Eve Pov

After I ate most of dinner, I went to get a bath. Daichi had put a step so I could get in and out easier. After my bath, I went downstairs to see Sugawara and Daichi sat on the sofa looking through a notebook. "Hey Eve." I waved since I was kinda confused. "What were  you doing at practice?" I knew someone would ask at some point. "Testing my strength."

3rd person Pov.

Flashback to after the accident.

The girl was laid in her hospital bed, alone. Until a nurse comes in. "Eve, you have to wake up." The young girl wakes up, but unknowingly to the nurse, she had woken up hours ago, from a nightmare. Since the crash 3 days ago, she hadn't spoke a lot, or eaten. "You need to eat, to make you strong." she just nodded and ate a little bit of her food which was rice balls. "Do you want desert?"  Eve shook her head, she much prefers fruit but she already knew it was cake. All the doctors were worried about her.

Time skip to when she arrived at orphanage

"Tell every family that tries to adopt her, that there is a low chance she will walk again." The nurse who brought her whispered so she wouldn't be able to hear, but she heard every word. Every day after she heard that she would try to  stand, but she couldn't even get out of her chair without someone carrying her.

Back to present

Daichi  Pov

After she said that she froze. Me and Suga were calling her name for at least 5 minutes until she shook her head. "Are you OK?" She nodded and went back to her room. " What do you think that was?" Suga asked me concerned. "I'll show you." I grabbed the documents that we got when we adopted Eve. 

Note: There is a low chance she will walk again.

I always had a feeling that she was determined, I wonder if there is a way we could help her walk. "Do you think we could help her walk again?" Suga just nodded hopefully. "We will never know if we don't try." She's strong. 

Time skip to the next morning

Eve Pov

Knock knock knock "Eve wake up." Why does he always wake me up this early? "Yea" I got out of bed and got dressed. Today is my first day of school. Daichi is going to be the one showing me around and apparently I'm in the same class as the Tsukishima dude. But first I had to go to an office but I don't know why. The uniform is awful. I wish I was allowed to put leggings on under the skirt. Technically, I can't wear skirts, but the school wouldn't listen to moms protests.

Once we got to school, Daichi had yo go to practice so I had to navigate by myself. I found the office easily enough. "Eve Sawamura?" I nodded. "I'll be your homeroom teacher." I just nodded again. "Homeroom starts soon so follow me. She opened the door and started walking to the room, but there were more students in the halfway so they were staring at me. I tried to hide my face but it wasn't easy. We got to the classroom and I went to the desk she told me. I moved the chair that was there since it would be easier to just sit in my chair rather than having to get in and out. 

After around 10 minuets the classroom was pretty much full, and people were asking all sorts of questions. "What's your name?" "Why are you in a wheelchair?" "Can you walk?" Why are your legs so small?" They kept saying the same questions until homeroom started. The teacher asked me to introduce myself. "My name is Eve Sawamura." Then someone butted in, "That's Impossible you look nothing like Daichi." It was one of the people he said he tutored. I didn't want to say that I am adopted since I knew people would make fun of me.

Time skip to lunch

Everyone is trying to talk to me. I just wanted to go find Daichi since he has my lunch. I found him in the gym, of course where there are stairs. He handed me my lunch since it would be easier for him to take it. Apparently, every Monday you go back to homeroom for the last period of the day, so that means more questions and having to answer.

I went to homeroom early so I could prepare to answer. After 10 minutes the flood of people came. "Ok everyone, you can talk for the last half an hour we got through all the work." Half the class was around my desk. "Why are your legs so short?" This question is awful, "Since I've been paralyzed since a young age, my legs haven't grown a lot, but my upper body has instead." This is going to be the longest half an hour of my life.

At practice

"Hey Eve, can you show me how to serve?" I love Hinata's energy, it just makes me smile. "Eve, come here, I got Ya something." This is unusual, I went over as soon as Hinata would let me navigate the two steps on my own. "Tomorrow, how do you feel about a movie night." I just smiled, we never got to watch movies in the orphanage. "I'll take that as a yes, Suga will come too. "Yes." I whispered so that not many could hear me. Daichi smiled in return and let me show Hinata how to serve. "Bear in mind mine might not make it to your service line. "Give it a try!" Daichi shouted and went opposite me and got ready to receive. I didn't want it to go like last time, but he was ready, so I gave it a try.

It got to him.

Noya and Tanaka erupted in joy. "I knew you could!" The gym was full of cheers for the next 5 or so minutes until we had to clean up. I volunteered to mop since I could do it insanely quick. I put the mop in-between the gaps of my foot plate and zoomed across the gym, I finished in a record time of 2 and a half minutes. Then we went to the coach's store and got meat buns. Little did I know there would be something different when we got home.

1141 words

Blossom here

sorry this chapter took so long Schoolhas been eating up my time and Ive had lots of homework even though its only 1st week back.

Hope you enjoyed.

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