Waking Up

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I woke up before Stiles so I could avoid the awkward morning conversation or lack there of. I got up from Stiles' bed and walked out of his room. I felt weird, like I wasn't controlling what I was doing but I brushed it off as sleepiness.

I walked down the hallway and into my room and I moved to my closet, opening the doors I pulled out a loose black sweater and a pair of light blue jeans. I slipped on my shoes, and left the house to begin walking to school.

While I was walking I noticed something different about the sky, it was way darker then when I usually got up in the moring. I grabbed my phone from my bag, pressed the top button, and read the time outloud.

"2:22 am." My feet came to a hault

"What the hell?" I asked myself as I looked around the street.

This wasn't the normal way I walked to school, I was in a weird neighborhood. The houses all looked the same, with red trimmings and white panels.

I looked down at the ground and noticed something laying on the tan pavement, bending down I picked up a cold metal thing. As I looked at it closer I noticed it was a locket necklace. My fingers pried open the locket, the first thing I saw was a beautiful woman.

She had a dark skin tone, her hair cascaded down her back in beautiful brown waves. Her eyes were almond shaped with golden brown irises.

A loud bang coaxed me out of my trance of staring at the woman. I stood up quickly and looked around. In the far distance was two tall bulky figures and two smaller ones, they walked towards me.

As they got closer I started stepping backwards until I faced forward and immediately ran into a hard chest. I fell to the ground on my back, and my head banged on the hard ground. Sharp pains coursed through my head, as the sharp pains got worse a ringing sound rung in my ears, my hands clutched my head in pain.

Well, so much for getting over the physical pain.

I let go of my head, but the pain and ringing still occured I stood on my legs again infront of the thing that made me fall, the figure had the body of a human, but it's torso was covered in dirty, dingy bones.

I looked up at the thing, all I saw was a mask of some kind of animal before it picked me up and tossed me across the street like a piece of garbage. I could hear my fragile bones crack as I landed on the ground, the ringing in my ears somehow got louder, and all I felt was pain.

One of the smaller figures walked to me and knelt down to my head. The figures hair brushed against my chin, and as it got closer to my head I noticed who it was. It was a her, the woman from the picture.

She grinned devishly when she saw the look of realization on my face. The other small figure walked to us and knelt down too, she was someone I couldn't forget.

It was Kate, Kate Argent.

"I see you know who we are, or at least me." She said laughing "I guess we can skip the introduction." She said narrowing her eyes at me, I glared at her.

"So, my beautiful niece, your mother and I have come to recruit you to the dark side." She said with the biggest smile on her face.

"You unoriginal hag, never." I answered, which caused her to glare at me.

"First off, I'm not a hag and secondly, you will join us or else your little friends won't live another week."

"I've made this mistake before, I will not do it again. I will never work with you." I said with so much strength that I shocked myself.

Kate obviously didn't like my choice, I could tell by how hard she jammed her foot into my ribs. My moms eyes went wide as Kate kicked me.

"After those compliments I gave you, after I offered not to kill you if you just did one simple thing, you can't be grateful and accept my proposition?" She asked whilst kicking me.

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