I.E.D Part two

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When I got home from school I was filled in on everything I needed to know that I hadn't known already. Like for instance, there is a dead pool with some of my friends name on it and Garrett is a little rat who is a assassin for the benefactor the one who made the stupid list.

When Scott and Stiles finished telling me I went upstairs and got ready for the game, putting more effort into my appearance than usual. Most likely for Liam.

I picked out ripped blue skinny jeans and a dark red sweater I'd gotten for Christmas.

The flannel was a high low flannel that showed off the button peircing I got during the summer. I remember when I came home and dad literally freaked out along with Stiles and Scott.

They kept asking if I did it for a boy. They should've known I would never change myself for a boy I thought at the time, but look at me now, changing myself for Liam.

Stiles texted me and told me he decided to walk to the Lacrosse game with Kira and Scott so, although I wasn't supposed to, I took his jeep and drove to the school. I must have gotten there early because the boys on the team were just starting to arrive and only a couple of people were on the bleachers. I decided to walk around the school until more people started to come.

As I walked around the school I thought about the events that might take place during the game.

Liam, Scott, or Kira could be killed tonight by Garrett. What if one of them were to be killed? What would I do?

I was interrupted from my thoughts by Liam yelling something from the benches

"Mason, Thea come here!" He yelled

Who the hell is Thea? My question was answered when a pretty girl and Mason came walking to Liam. The girl was wearing the most skin showing outfit I've seen in my life, who was she trying to impress? I asked myself but realized that I was being hypocritical.

I can't complain. People can wear whatever they want and I shouldn't judge. I started creeping closer to the group of three trying to get a better look at her.

The one thing I admired about her was her light violet color. I tried not to immediately dislike her but found that it wasn't that easy.

As I got closer to Liam, he finally noticed and called me over. I raced towards them and quickly hid the frown on my face.

"Hey guys. Who's this?" I questioned.

"I'm Thea." She replied rudely.

I stuck out my hand for her to shake but she glared at me and I drew it right back.

"Do I know you?" I asked her.

"I was your lab partner last year." She said grinning.

It only took one close look before I noticed she was right. I only remember her because she used to trip me in the halls, and pull my hair during class.

I wasn't very popular when I started high school because of the way I looked. I either wore a long sleeved shirt or sweaters. I almost always wore sweatpants or dress pants and I had these hideous nerd glasses.

I wasn't very liked last year. Since I had lived with only boys for so long I wore boyish and nerdy clothes. That was until Kira and Lydia had a fashion intervention on me and helped me look decent.

Lydia told me that day that I dressed like I only shopped at the thrift shop, which was true coincidentally.

"Oh, I remember you." I said with a small frown on my face.

"Do you guys smell that? It smells gross. Do you smell that Sara?" The she devil said turning to me.

"No, I actually don't. " I said gritting my teeth, knowing she was referring to me.

The Lacrosse Player (Liam Dunbar)Where stories live. Discover now