Where the hell am I?

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I pushed myself off of the cold hard floor and immediately my head began to pound. It had felt like someone had smacked me in the head with a sledge hammer. Out of confusion, I began running my hands through my hair noticing that it took less time than usual for me to run out of hair.

"Did someone fucking cut my hair?" I yelled.

"Calm down." A woman said stepping out from the darkness.

"Why am I here?" I asked slowly.

"You're with family." said Araya with a sly smile.

I looked at her as if she were crazy.

"I'm your grandmother." She said with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

I quickly stood up and backed away from her.

"Okay I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but-" She cut me off

"It's not a game. I am your grandmother." She said

I asked myself if she was lying, but why would someone like her lie about this?

".......what?" I asked, tears suddenly blurring my vision.

"Oh mija, don't cry. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to recruit you." She said with a smile

"Recruit me? Excuse me but this isn't fucking Americas Next Top Model. No matter what you're here for, the answer is no. I would never betray my family." I said

"I am your family. Would family not tell you who you really are? Would family hurt you? I think not." She said

"Stop messing with me." I said quietly. I found a wall, and let my body sink to the floor.

"They're not your real family. If they were, wouldn't your father be around? Would your so called brother's not tell you that Peter is Malia's father or that you didn't just watch Allison die that night. You watched your sister die!"

"Stop it!" I said, sobbing into my hands.

"They're not family. I am your family. You can't really be considering those traitors as your family." She shouted at me.


"Argent knew you were his daughter! He could feel it when you first met. He knew and he didn't even tell you."

"If you don't stop-"

"He didn't tell you because he was ashamed."

"Stop getting into my head!" I screamed, finally standing up again.

"Okay, I don't mean to hurt you. How about I let you go home and you ask your 'family' who your real parents are. Feel free to come back when they lie to you."

Before I could speak to the old hag, someone came through the door of the room I had been in and grabbed me by the arm harshly. They led me through tunnels until we got to a set of stairs. The person unlocked the door at the top of the stairs and pushed me out of the dark room. Fresh air rose through my nose, making me happy to be outside again.

I didn't look back as I began to walk down the street alone and think about what happened. It seemed like Araya had been telling the truth, but even if she was I couldn't turn on my family like that. Araya was just playing with me, she was just trying to get in my head, and I wouldn't let her. After walking for about an hour of walking, I arrived home. I walked to the front door and opened it.

"Who is it?" My dad called from the kitchen.

"It's me." I said, my voice faltering.

I walked into the kitchen and sat in an empty seat at the table. While sitting I decided I was going to ask. There was no harm in trying.

"Dad?" I asked

"Yeah" He said walking towards the table with a burger and sitting down.

"Who are my real parents?" I asked him blunty, not sugar coating the question.

He looked into my eyes, but sighed when I turned my eyes away from him "Why are you asking me this? Are you not happy here?"

"Dad, of course I'm happy. But I need to know who my parents are." I said, finally looking him in the eyes.

"I don't know honey, I honestly don't know." He lied.

My eyes welled up with tears. I brought my head to look down at the table and I smacked my hand against the table.

"Why are you lying to me!" I asked

"Calm dow-"

"No! I hate it when you lie to me, Dad! You know I do!" I yelled harshly.

"If you're so sure that I know who your parents are, who do you think they are." He asked sternly, getting up from the table with his eyebrows lifted

"Argent!" I shouted causing him to go wide eye'd but before he could say anything, I got up from the table, ran to the front door and slammed it.


I knocked on the door and there stood the only person that I believed could answer my questions.

"I knew you'd come back." Araya said ushering me into the house.

Araya brought me down to the basement and then closed the door. When we got into the dungeon like room I noticed it was different. It was like she knew I'd be back. There was a single bow and about 20 arrows in a bag. Araya pushed me toward's the arrows. I grabbed the bow and immediately felt my attitude begin to lift. The bow was beautiful. It was a dark brow bow, with a leather grip.

The string on the bow was pure black and it had two yellow mark's showing me where I should put the arrow. However the arrows were different, the fletching was a dark blue color and the edges we're black, the shaft was black with the word guerrera also printed in black

"Female Warrior." I whispered looking at Araya as she nodded her head

"I knew your grandma on your dad's side when she was alive, we swapped some stories and, I remember her telling me that your mother's bow and arrow's were just like that, so I decided to get you the same ones when you were born.

I turned to Araya with a grin.

"They're beautiful." I said

"Only the best for you, mija." She said grinning

She was right, she is my family.


I got home last night and crawled into bed grinning. Everything was different know, I have a family. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and happy. Apart from running into my dad on the way out, the day started out great.

"Sara!" I heard someone cry down the hall I turned and sure enough there was Stiles with Scott and Liam on his trail.

"What?" I said as I kept walking.

"Why are you avoiding Dad? You walked straight past him this morning and didn't say a word." Said Stiles

"Stiles, it's really none of your business." I said, glaring at my brother. "Excuse me, I have to go to class."

"Sara, are you okay? Stiles said you've been acting weird all morning." Said Liam who trailed behind me as I walked to class.

"I'm fine. Now go wait for Thea and stop annoying me" I snapped, immediately regretting it the moment it came out of my mouth.

"What are you talking about?" He asked reaching out to grab my hand.

Avoiding his touch I began to walk faster, and as if Liam got the memo that I wanted to be left alone, he stopped following me.


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