The Lacrosse Player

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"Get ready for school!" yelled my older brother from the door of my bedroom, my body jerked up faster than I ever thought possible as I turned to check the time on my alarm clock.

With only ten minutes to get ready for school I hurriedly climbed from bed and into the bathroom across the hall from my room. After quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth I ran back to my room and into my closet. Deciding that my outfit wasn't too important today especially because I was running late, I changed into a pair of blue jeans, a yellow baby doll shirt, and a pair of beaten up converse. 

 "Hurry, I have to meet Scott!" Stiles said impatiently, watching as I fumbled around my room looking for my hair brush.

"I'm getting ready quickly, it's your shitty car that's going to make us late." I laughed as I brushed through my brown curly hair. 

"Hey," He began "Don't make fun of the car that gets you to school unless you want to take the bus." I shut my mouth after that.


As we pulled into the school parking lot, I took one last look in the mirror at the messy makeup I did in the car. I watched as Stiles turned off the car and grabbed his bag from the backseat before opening the door and taking off towards the locker rooms. When I finally felt satisfied with my makeup, I climbed out of the jeep and began walking across the parking lot towards the locker room to wait for Scott and Stiles. Ten minutes had passed before the door to the locker room finally opened and out came my favorite idiots talking about their spots on the lacrosse team.

"Of course you're still team captain. You got your grades up just like coach told you, right?" Stiles asked Scott. "Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team, he just told me to show up at tryouts today." Scott said, his eyes pointed towards the ground.

Already growing tired with the sports talk I forced my way into the conversation "We've got bigger things to deal with, did you tell Argent yet?" I asked Scott.

"I texted him but he didn't get back to me." He replied.

"You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over text?" Stiles asked disbelief etched across his face.

"I didn't have the money to call France." He said to Stiles and I. "You think you've got money problems! Try paying for a MRI and a visit to Eichen House." I laughed.

The events of the last year flooded my brain as I thought back to the night Alison died.


"It's okay, I'm fine." Said Allison as she lied on the ground in the arms of Scott.

"Scott, do something." I said, knowing that if he didn't step in she would die a dreadfully painful death. "I can't take away her pain....I-I can't." Scott said looking back and forth from her to me.

"That's because it doesn't hurt, I'm okay." she said, doing a horrible job of convincing me.

"I'm dying in the arms of my first love, the one that I will always love." She said squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"Are you scared?" I asked immediately regretting my question, of course she's scared.

"Terrified." She laughed, her usual smooth laugh felt dense with the weight of the situation.

"You have to tell my dad." She began, "You have to tell him-"

"Okay." I assured, although I wasn't sure what to tell him. Then, as quick as she had been wounded, the smile on her face faded.


"Another notice?" Scott asked, snapping me from my thoughts. 

"Yeah, and this one said 'Final'. Now what the hell are we doing here anyway? We've got like 177 million problems and worrying about your status on the lacrosse team is not one of them!" Stiles said shaking his head. Scott opened his mouth, probably to say something stupid, but he froze as his eyes traveled across the lacrosse field "It is now."

My eyes snapped towards the field and I gasped as a incredibly toned lacrosse player removed his helmet. I'm sure Scott had frozen due to something the player had done but I froze for a completely different reason.

"O-oh wow." I stuttered, instantly regretting any past hatred I held for lacrosse.

"That's gross." Said Stiles, watching as I ogled the beautiful boy from across the field.

"On second thought, maybe you should start worrying about lacrosse." I laughed patting Scott's shoulder.


"An axe murderer?" Kira asked as we walked down the hall. "A family killing axe murder." Stiles clarified.

"I've already heard about it." Scott declared.

"How?" I asked.

Scott turned to look at me "My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news." He explained. "Well here's a thought genius, why didn't you tell us about this earlier?" I said, looking at Scott in disbelief. The level of stupidity this boy had grew more and more as he'd gotten older.

"I'm going to class before your level of stupidity increases again." I said shaking my head.


"Terrible. Horrifying. Pathetic. Unbelievably pathetic." Coach said, as each of the Lacrosse boys ran around the track.

Coach was my favorite teacher, mainly because he was the kind of blunt and rude I aspired to be although my friends would say I'm pretty close to it.

It was after school, and I'd found my way to the lacrosse field to sit with Malia and Kira, two of my other best friends.

I felt bad for my brother watching as he tripped and toppled onto the track, he'd never been the athletic type but he insisted on joining the Lacrosse team because of Scott. At first, dad and I were against it because of how clumsy Stiles could be but it wasn't easy trying to change Stiles' mind once he was set.

My eyes scanned the field looking for any hint of the boy from earlier, who I found out's name was Liam. He was in almost all of my classes minus gym which I was thankful for because I, like Stiles, was not very good at physical activity. While looking for Liam across the field, I failed to realize that he was already walking towards me until the last minute. 

My eyes widened as he stopped in-front of me with a large smile planted across his face "I'm Liam." He said.

Although it was a little weird that he was talking to me out of the blue, I brushed it off because he was cute and I wasn't going to refuse attention from an attractive person. "I'm Sara." I replied calmly, but on the inside I was bursting in excitement. No boy had ever went out of their way to talk to me so, rightly so, I was excited and a little nervous.

"I know who you are, I've been watching you all day and I think that you and I would make a great couple." He said ruining any kind of excitement I had built up. Not only was his choice of words creepy but the tone of his voice held an aura of arrogance that I did not like. As if he realized what had just come out of his mouth, he began to speak but I cut him off.

 "Great way to flirt, keep acting creepy and arrogant and maybe some other girl will fall for it."

Before he could speak, I began again, "And what makes you think you're good enough for me?" I huffed. "How about you take your ass back across the-"

But before I could finish the rest of my sentence I was interrupted by Coach.

"Liam get your ass over here, stand in line, and Little Stilinski don't threaten my players....unless it's Greenburg." Finstock yelled.

Liam gawked at me for a few seconds before he took off towards the field.

"Cocky little shit." I muttered looking back at Kira and Malia who had seemingly found the conversation funny.

"How about Kira focuses on growing some balls and asking Scott out, and Malia learns how to control her disgusting sexual urges for my brother when I'm next to them instead of paying attention to me." I snapped, turning my back to the girls.

"I think you might have scared him off." laughed Kira.

"For some reason, I don't think she cares Kira." Said Malia.

The Lacrosse Player (Liam Dunbar)Where stories live. Discover now