Time Of Death---9:02pm

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It'd been a week since the accident, I call it an accident and not a dream because I wasn't even totally sure it was a dream. I really can't even consider it as a dream when in reality, it was a nightmare.

Thankfully, nothing except my heart was broken after the incident. Just thinking about it made me feel sick so I spent my week avoiding the situation at all costs. I sat up from my bed looking around the dark room. I got out of bed and walked to the window, opening the curtains, and realizing that it was either night time or early in the morning.

My eyes widened in fear hoping this wasn't the same dream as before. I walked over to my closet and got out my robe before wrapping it around me. I inched closer and closer towards my door, my hand made it's way to the knob slowly turning it. After I twisted the knob as far as it could go I took a deep breath and tugged the door open.

I stuck my head out of the door as I let out the stragled breath I'd been holding in, it was clear. I quickly walked to Stiles' room ignoring the slight pain in my legs, I knocked first before opening the door.

"What a suprise." I muttered seeing as he wasn't there.

Then I noticed a small yellow post it note on his wall, I walked over to the note quickly reading outloud what it said.

"Went to the hospital, left keys to the jeep." The note said in Stiles' horrible chicken scratch. Why is Stiles at the hospital at this time of night? Then again, why is Stiles ever out at this time of night? Two words, the supernatual.

I walked back to my bedroom quickly slipping off my bathrobe and slipping on a big wooly sweater to keep me warm. Not caring what I looked like with my tan wooly sweater and plaid pajama pants, I put on my converse. After slipping on my shoes I opted to wear the big glasses that my brother had found in old stuff from my room. I put my hair into a messy bun and ran downstairs, I grabbed Stiles' keys off the key hook and made my way to his car.

I got to the car, turned it on, and shifted it into gear before pulling out of the driveway and rushing towards the hospital.

The hospital was pretty frantic when I got here. As I walked through the hospital I heard news of one of the nurses children dying, I instantly felt bad for the woman or man who lost their child. I rushed to the front desk asking where Melissa McCall was, but that's when I heard the most heartbreaking cry.

I ran to the scene expecting to find a random sobbing person but what I found was much worse.

"Melissa!" I called down the hall running to her collapsed body.

"What the hell did you tell her?" I asked the man I recognized as Liam's father instantly regretting my tone of voice.

"I'm sorry, are you a close relative of Melissa?" The doctor asked widening his eyes telling me there was a deeper meaning to his question. Meanwhile someone pulled Melissa away from me and led her to the break room.

"No-" I started but Mr. Dunbar cut me off saying-

"You're her neice." He said quietly, that's when I realize that he knew quite well that we weren't related, but he could tell I was someone who cared about her.

I nodded my head quickly "I-I'm her niece?" I said as more of a question then an answer.

"Good enough." He said pausing for a second before continuing with the worst news I'd gotten all week "I'm sorry, but Scott McCall was declared dead fifteen minutes ago." He said.

The answer hit me like a ton of bricks, Liam's father patted me on the shoulder and walked away leaving me to soak in the information he gave me. I made my way to a chair collapsing into it, that couldn't be true. My breath quickened leaving less oxygen to flow towards my brain, what wrong with me? I asked myself as I tried to calm myself down. I started to feel lightheaded as my breath quickened, faster and faster. Tears rose from my eyes spilling over my eyes.

"Sara?" Someone asked rushing towards me.

The person layed a hand on my shoulder squatting down infront of me, I looked up only to find myself staring into the eyes of Liam.

"Breathe, okay? You need to calm down and tell me what's wrong." He said grabbing my hands.

"I can't....I can't do this...I can't, I can't breathe-" I stuttered bursting into tears, I let my head rest on mine and Liam's hands.

"It's a panic attack! You need to find an anchor, at least that's what Scott would say." He said falling over his own words.

"Think of someone you care about...Think about Kira, or Scott," at the mention of Scott my breath quickened again.

"Think about Stiles or your Dad, think about Allison or Malia." He said quickly.

Liam grabbed my head with his hands and pulled it up just so my eyes would meet his. "Think of someone or something you can't live without, something you'd love unconditionally even if they changed." He said.


I could feel my breathing patterns falter.


With every name I mentioned I felt myself calm a little more.


And with that name, everything stopped. I thought of our first time meeting each other, I thought of his apology to me, and I thought of this moment.

Everything went in slow motion, every moment we've every had together, everything that led up to this moment. All of a sudden my heavy breathing sufficed and all I felt was the feeling of calmness wash over me.

"Good job, now what's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm so sorry. It - it's Scott...he's dead." I said feeling the tears come back.

Liam's eyes widened in realization and then he stood up and grabbed my hand dragging me down the hall and to the morgue.

Liam pushed open the doors and what I saw was shocking. Scott was lying there, Melissa stood over him with a calm look on her face, her head snapped towards us and she let out a sigh.

My eyes widened at Scott's body. Why the hell was I brought here?

"Thank god, I was worried about you. I saw your reaction and I thought it was so genuine." She said giggling a little.

"What are you talking about? Your son just died, why are you giggling?" I asked worried about her mental health.

"I guess it's safe to say that Stiles didn't tell her." Liam said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Tell me what?" I asked confused as to why Scott was dead and how my brother was involved.

"Scott's not actually dead....yet." Liam said.


After Liam explained everything to me I felt the overwhelming need to punch Stiles. The dumbass couldn't wake me up to tell me something as important as this?

"By the way, nice pajamas." Liam said laughing along with Melissa.

What a great night! First, my dumb brother doesn't feel the need to tell me that one of my best friends was basically gonna cheat death, I have a panic attack infront of Liam, and then he sees me in my worst pajamas, with my hair looking like a rats nest, and no makeup on.

I blame Stiles.

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