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Hello there, and welcome to the Creepypasta Mansion! At the moment, they are busy playing Truth, Dare, Kiss or Swear... Let's watch how it's going so far!

Jeff: Alright then... BEN, Truth, Dare, Kiss or Swear?

BEN: Dare.

Jeff: Okay then. I dare you to run around Slender's desk in his office three times, dressed as Kate the Chaser.

BEN: That it? Lessgo then. I'll need your hoodie to fulfil the dare.

Jeff: Fine with me. *takes off his hoodie*

BEN: *taking his hoodie* Cheers. Now I need some markers to make it more like Kate's..

Jeff: How long is it gonna take to get prepared??

BEN: As long as it takes.

Timeskip: - Ten minutes later -

BEN: *now dressed somewhat like Kate* Awright, ready.

Jeff: Toby, go spectate.

*Toby gets up and follows BEN out of the room*

Me: *whispering* let's go follow them!

*BEN runs around a confused Slenderman's desk thrice and runs out*

Slender: Toby, what was that?

Toby: Oh, uh, just Kate not feeling herself lately..

Slender: At least she is willing to excersise, if anything.

Toby: Yeah...

Back in Kate's bedroom

Hoodie: Kate, you gotta do something.

Kate: *crying* No, that would only give the man what he wants! I'm not giving that to him, I'm not, I'm not...
Hoaxton: Awright, fine, don't do as the bossman says. But he'll make you do something eventually, you know that, right?

Kate: Eventually, not now. I could still escape by the time he thinks of something for me to kill.

Masky: Kate, don't do it. We'll all get in trouble on your behalf. I don't want to get my heinie whooped again for disobeyed orders *holds his backside painfully*

Hoodie: That was your own fault, Tim.

Hoaxton: *snickers* Yeah, you did tell the boss to suck your arse when he told us all to get ready for that road trip..

Masky: Forget I asked.

Back in the Living Room, where the main events of the game are being commenced

Toby: He did it.

BEN: What did Slender say? I heard you guys talking as I left the room.

Toby: Basically, he thought you were actually Kate. For some reason.

*Someone in the group loudly facepalms. Everyone in the living room turns towards our hiding spot.*
Shit, we're busted.

*EJ opens the tasselled cupboard door where we are all hiding*

Me: Uuhh.. Hi?

EJ: Guys.. I found some humans!

Jeff: Kill 'em!! *attempts to rush us with his knife*

BEN: Wait!

Toby: *stops Jeff*

BEN: Can't we kill them later? We're too into this game already.

Jeff: Fine. But they gotta do something that keeps them all in our sight and to pay for listening in to our private conversations.

*The group of us burst out laughing*

Me: You guys were just playing Truth or Dare! We were just watching that, we didn't mean any harm!

Laughing Jill: *clicks her fingers* Oh, I know! They can help come up with new Truths to tell, Dares to do, Kisses to pucker up and Swears to oath. Oh, but just to be sure they don't get any ideas, Puppet, get your strings over the doors.

*the Puppeteer does so*

L.Jack: Cheers, mate.

EJ: OK, let's carry on playing.

A/N: sorry that was a bit long, but that's the back story of why we're all here, taken captive by the Creepypastas and being forced to play their game (that you secretly wanted to join in, anyway). Until the end of the game, get cosy! It seems that we're gonna be here a while..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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