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ashanti is a sixteen year old DARK SKIN black girl ! this means, yes, you can imagine who you'd like as i finally settled on the decision to not cast someone as ashanti, but don't tell others who they perceive is wrong.

shanti is a daughter of dionysus, and yes, this takes place during the lost hero, and continues through the heroes of olympus. here's a litte refresher for anyone who decided to just skip the first book !

1. ashanti, and percy have been dating since ashanti was fourteen, and percy was fifteen ! they started dating on his birthday, and made things official at the birthday party.

2. regarding shanti's abilities, similar to the demeter kids she can manipulate vines ! i'm settling on just vines so she isn't crazy overpowered. yes, she can do the thing with the strawberries that makes them grow, but besides growing, and manipulating vines, that's the extent of that specific ability.

3. the other is the manipulation of madness which is a bit difficult for her ! i can't stress this enough. she is the very first child of dionysus to get this ability, which is why she works one on one with her father to work on it but it does NOT come easy. it's been two years since the beginning of the last book, so she's much better at both, and has since gotten much stronger. don't expect her to be severely over-powered, though ! she will struggle ! it's apart of being a demigod !

4. ashanti has this weird thing where she is oddly very good at games. i don't mean this in an overpowered sense ! i don't mean this girl is mary sue, and goes around challenging people to death matches, and wins. i mean she'll kick your ass at mario kart, thank you, good day

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