chapter ten

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chapter ten: out of absolutely all renditions of werewolves i have ever heard, i have to admit, the greeks are the worst ( he tried to eat us !)


WHEN PIPER, and leo both began to come around from being un-goldified, they had long since fled from omaha.

jason had deducted it was a good idea for him to harness the winds of the storm spirits to carry them across the country - she had to admit, it was good thinking for their last minute departure, and since festus was, well, gone. despite working, the anemoi thullai were still rowdy, and hard to control. after they'd nearly crashed into the side of a mountain, they shakily agreed it was perhaps a better idea to find another way to travel across the country, something much safer, and didn't rely on beings that would be ecstatic to see them dead.

"oh, god," piper said through chattering teeth, her frame jolting as shivers racked her frame. "he turned me to gold!" ashanti tucked a warm blanket around her shoulders, trying to cage in as much of the younger girl's body heat as possible, but it didn't seem to be working, her face paling in color with her sickness. next to them, a campfire blazed, turning the air sharp with smoke. firelight flickered against rock walls. they were in a shallow cave, it didn't offer much protection, but it kept them tucked away from the harsh winds of the snow storm.

piper managed to stutter out leo's name, trying to turn her head to see the hephaestus demigod. he answered her calls, untucking his face from his own blankets, "present, and un-goldified," he said, sounding miserable, his voice croaking. "i got the precious metal treatment, too, but i came out of it faster, dunno why. we had to dunk you in the river to get you back completely. we tried to dry you off, but. . . it's really, really cold."

"you've got hypothermia," jason broke the news to her, his expression a bit downcast. "we risked as much nectar as we could. coach hedge did a little nature magic -" the satyr leaned in over her, guaging her appearance as he explained he used wild mushrooms, and gatorade, explaining that her breath might smell a bit odd for a few days. they retold how midas was defeated, him, and his annoying son, lityerses. hedge tried to chim in, add in some unneeded details, but jason was very quick to remind him that he'd been outside eating the king's shrubbery instead of actively participating in the fight. ashanti suffocated a laugh, knowing if she ven cracked a smile, it wouldn't go well.

meanwhile, jason measured the aphrodite girl's temperature, the jupiter demigod catching her up as to how they'd gotten to colorado. he ignored ashanti's amused expression as he fessed up - almost killing them all didn't go unnoticed for piper, she immediate gauged ashanti's little smirk. the dionysus girl, feeling as if she wasn't making things any easier, decided to sit with leo instead. finding humor in the way jason's ears burned red at the reminder of the anemoi thullai going haywire was beginning to get some what old. the grace boy had told them he'd been following some sort of glittering trail in the wind, the same one he pointed out to leo, and that it ended around where they were, but they had absolutely no idea where to go from their little cave.

"'course this is the right place to stop," hedge spit out some cudgel splinters, "aeolus' gloating palace should be anchored above us, right at the peak. this is one of his favorite spots to dock." the blonde didn't agree immediately, hesitating a bit as he met ashanti's eyes. she knew that look - he'd been hoping that his sister, thalia, was somewhere closeby. secretly, she had been thinking the exact same thing. midas had mentioned in omaha that they'd passed through, surely they would've made it to colorado in the time it took them to spend the night, then defeat midas the next morning.

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