chapter six

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chapter six: i help leo fight his first family of monsters ! ( i should not have been allowed to mentor anyone, actually )

FREE FALLING through wherever they were in america was not on her list of priorities.

in fact, it wasn't in her plans at all. the piercing morning air whistled through her ears, and wove through her pin straight hair, billowing it around her messily. mentally, she sighed, knowing it'd be filled with numerous knots she'd struggle to sort out with her fingers as a makeshift comb. despite quite literally plummeting to a possible death, ashanti couldn't quite find it in herself to scream. it was mostly due to the concern of her own morning breath, she feared it could've been terrible. she wondered how ridiculous it would be if she reached into her backpack, and searched for a stick of gum, or some kind of breath mint to freshen things up. she quickly banished the idea as piper, and leo screamed for their lives, frantically grabbing at clouds, anything to slow, or postpone their decent. it was nearly dawn, a gentle gray of morning coating the skies, and the sleepy city light blinking to life. oh, and their dragon fell haphazardly, wings limp, and mouth flickering with a fire that surely deprived from bad electrical work.

strangely, ashanti was completely calm. she wondered if it was because she'd experienced something similar, jumping from the windows of daedalus' workshop in the midst of a fire. they'd sloppily strapped wings the famed inventor had been working on to their backs, and leapt from his floor-to-ceiling windows, only the idea of escaping on the forefront of their minds. she'd never had a fear of heights, but to be majorly unaffected was against even her own expectations. if ashanti had to guess, she'd say the experience of the labyrinth must've flipped some sort of switch in her brain. she found herself extending her arms, and letting out deep breaths, her body already well accompanied with how to deal with her current situation. the dionysus girl began to fall much more slowly than the two below her. the honey blonde appeared from nowhere, tucking his arm underneath hers, and softening the air underneath their fall.

next was piper, who'd adopted some sort of skydiver pose, descending with balance. it seemed as if they were fighting the winds as jason seemed to force them to bend to his will. the struggle made his face flush in effort. "we've gotta get leo," jason told them, warning them that they weren't exactly safe yet. he locked his arms around the pair of them, making sure they wouldn't slip, then shot toward the earth with astounding speed, his eyebrows narrowed with intense focus. when they found leo, they slammed into him, who was still wriggling around, and swearing in spanish despite being in much safer hands, not at the mercy of zeus' open air.

with the added weight, it was a bit harder for the grace boy, he seemed at odds with his father's domain, ashanti theorized the anemoi thullai fighting back as he attempted to cushion their decent. "my dragon," leo pleaded with them, his gaze bouncing from jason, to ashanti, hoping either of them would step in, "please, we've got to save festus!" it was obvious there was nothing they could do as they fell, but ashanti figured it would be too harsh to point out the obvious, no point in rubbing salt in a bleeding wound. that, and her list of priorities in that moment, unfortunately, didn't include a machine, but rather the lives that had been tied to it. instead of hurting the younger boy with her thorny truths, she tried to coax him to calm down. ashanti soothingly patted at his back, and urged him to take deeper breaths, the quick change in altitudes would no doubt make him a little sick if he wasn't used to it.

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