chapter four

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chapter four: i am not a fan of the land of ice & snow ( nor the inhabitants, they're weird ! )


"SO, REMIND me again of our plan?"

now, usually, the leaders of quests were supposed to be the ones formulating, and drafting the plans of action. ashanti was a special case, jason had sheepishly explained that as her second-in-command, annabeth had trusted him, by threatening him at knife-point, to relay the strategy that she'd stayed up rather late piecing together. it turned out, the athenian had informed the honey blonde amnesiac about her destain toward being woken up – annabeth had decided she'd rather drill the information she'd dug from the corners of her mind into jason's head to pass the message down in favor of letting ashanti sleep. despite the paleness that creeped into the zeus demigod's expression as he recalled how the morning went, he seemed to be happy they had her in a somewhat pleasant mood. he had the oddest inkling he had met, and didn't particularly enjoy ashanti's attitude when she woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

as they flew over new england, jason broke down what annabeth had been explaining to him, how they should follow the wind spirits up north, to visit the lord of the north wind, king boreas. ashanti wrinkled her nose at the idea, bundling her winter jacket further into her figure. demigoddess, or not, anemia made visiting colder places rather unpleasant. she was just glad her own abilities weren't banking on whether or not the weather was nice. they intended to kindly ask, which translated to threaten, or fight, the wind spirit into giving them answers on who the anemoi thullai worked for. they'd pin that as the perpetrator for taking hera, rip whoever that was a new one, then hopefully get the answers to her boyfriend pulling a houdini, easy.

the thought made her sigh aloud, nothing was ever easy.

jason told them about his dream of a place he remembered called the wolf house, how there was a big, nasty mother wolf, named lupa, and a burned house. he mentioned a house with ominous, stone spires growing out of the empty space of an in-ground swimming pool. there was some silence, "but you don't know where this place is?" leo said into the growing pause, looking over his shoulder to see if maybe he can gauge something from the amnesiac's face, but found nothing much. jason's expression was screwed up, pinched in distress as he strained to recall something, anything that was helpful to them. his face flushed with effort, but otherwise, he gave a defeated shake of his head.

"there's also giants," piper added on to the discussion, "the prophecy had mentioned the giant's revenge." ashanti felt something cold, and she wasn't quite sure it was the weather. ever since rachel, well, the spirit of delphi had given them that prophecy, she'd been fixated on the exact same line. there was a very scary possibility that constantly lingered at the back of her mind that she loathed thinking about. something ancient, older than the gods was to stir on the day of the winter solstice. something much, much worse than the titans. the only powerful, ancient beings that were a threat so harsh it lead zeus to close olympus was the children of gaea, the original giants. they'd rose from the earth after the original titan war, and history seemed to repeat itself.

leo whistled mournfully, "giants who can throw mountains, friendly wolves that will eat us if we show weakness, and evil espresso drinks." ashanti made sure to chim in, and correct him, that the greek pronunciation was anemoi thullai. he nodded, acknowledging it, but chose to continue to refer to them as venti. leo was quiet a moment, as if mentally debating whether or not to bring it up, before saying, "is now an okay time to talk about my psycho babysitter?" he explained how she appeared to him at camp, his past with his mother, though ashanti sensed more there. she left it alone, knowing what it was like to have a flawed past. then, he told them of the woman in the earthen robes, the one who appeared asleep, but spoke in an in-between that was not fully unconscious.

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