chapter five

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chapter five: i'm afraid that maybe the tales of my invulnerability haven't reached as far & wide as i thought


"AEOLUS," JASON murmured, testing the name on his tongue.

he blinked, almost as if he were on the cusp of remembering something important. he furrowed his eyebrows, still continuing to strain, grasping at memories that weren't there, "the master of winds? why would he want us dead?" in hindsight, it was a good question, ashanti didn't believe there was an immortal still walking freely that had a personal vendetta against her – she considered herself to be unproblematic, and quite respectful to beings of higher power than herself. plus, she didn't have much of a choice since her boyfriend made immortals his enemies as some sort of twisted hobby.

"because you are demigods," boreas specified for them, the way he articulated his words made her believe he thought they should understand based off that alone. at the looks of confusion they exchanged, he let out a small, amused huff of breath from his nose, as if he found their confusion adorable. he explained, as if they were unknowing, innocent children, "aeolus' job is to contain the winds, and demigods have caused him many headaches. they ask him for favors. they unleash winds, and cause chaos. the final insult was the battle with typhon last summer. . ." ashanti felt herself wince, knowing it had been percy who had caused the earthquake to unleash typhon in the first place.

boreas waved his hand, and a sheet of ice similar to the like of a flatscreen t.v. appeared in the air. images of a battle flickered across the surface; a giant wrapped in storm clouds, wading across a river toward the manhattan skyline. tiny, glowing figures, the gods, swarmed him like angry wasps, hitting the monster with every attack move they had, brilliant colors of lightning, and fire. finally, the river erupted into a massive whirlpool, and the smoky form sank beneath the waves, and disappeared.

"the storm giant, typhon," boreas explained, more to jason, and piper, who had been blissfully unaware of the events that took place in manhattan over the summertime, though ashanti suspected that the honey blonde also had his hands rather full. ashanti had unfortunately been entirely present, and felt odd hearing the events retold like some epic, ancient greek myth, when she'd lived it months before. "the first time the gods defeated him, eons ago, he did not die quietly. his death unleashed a host of storm spirits – wild winds that answered to no one. it was aeolus' job to track them all down, and imprison them in his fortress. the other gods, they did not help. they did not even apologize for the inconvenience. it took aeolus centuries to track down all the storm spirits, and naturally this irritated him. then, last summer, typhon was defeated again –"

"and his death set loose another wave of anemoi thullai," ashanti finished for the king, predicting where the conversation was going, "which only made him angrier." it wasn't uncommon for the rage at gods to be taken out on their children. demigods were considered nothing more than small, mortal pawns, often killed off at the expense of someone else. it reminded her of when hades had been angry zeus had broken their 'big three' vow, and instead of going to his younger brother about it, he sent an army of bloodthirsty monsters after thalia, taking her conception out on her. ashanti still found the situation to be rather trivial to begin with, aeolus didn't exactly pitch in during the fight against typhon, she didn't understand as to why he felt like the gods owed him an apology for something they'd tasked him to do. she never demanded apologies when she was forced to go on stupid quests to rescue kidnapped goddesses ( for gods' sake, this was the second time !)

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