Ch 4

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A/n I know next to nothing about figure skating so I mostly used a little bit of google and tried my best

Once I reach the rink I grin and sit down to take off my shoes and put on my skates. Just as I get them tied up I hear footsteps and look up only to immediately groan seeing Sunghoon. "What are you doing here?" I give him an annoyed look and he glares at me. "I came here to practice. What are you doing here?" I give him a glare back. "I came to do the same thing. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to do some skating." I get up and make my way to the ice when I suddenly hear Sunghoon laugh making me turn to him in annoyance. "What?" He just chuckles and points to my old and worn skates. "Don't those belong in the trash?" I give him a dirty glare. "They're perfectly good skates. The important thing is that they still work." I step out onto the ice and immediately smile my body relaxing. I start doing some laps to warm up and after my third lap I spot Sunghoon step out onto the ice. Soon he also starts doing laps it quickly turning into a race around the rink. I go as fast as I can managing to make it ahead of Sunghoon and just as we reach the starting point again my foot barely passes the finish area first I immediately cheering. "Yes I won!" He gives me an annoyed look. "You just got lucky. If you really wanna beat me then try and do some jumps and stuff." My eyes narrow at him. "Alright your on." He smirks at me it making him look pretty attractive. Snapping out of it I shake my head and give him a look. "What's the rules?" He immediately grins. "We'll each do a move that the other has to copy. If you can't do it or mess up then you immediately lose:" I frown slightly then look determined and nod. "Alright bring it on." He nods then immediately goes and does a camel spin I waiting until he's done before I copy him doing it the exact same way. Next it's my turn and I do a biellmann spin it a more complicated and difficult move. Once I'm finished I move out of the way and smirk at Sunghoon who just looks determined and I watch as he manages to pull it off feeling a tiny bit impressed. Next he does a jump I copying him and I do a upright spin he copying me. Finally he skates around for a minute before he goes to do an triple axel jump I gaping in shock and concern it looking like he won't land it but he ends up just barely landing the move. I gape at him in disbelief. "Your crazy!" He just smirks at me. "What you to chicken? You must not be a real skater then." I give him a look then take a deep breath before skating around the rink then go into the triple Axel jump only to immediately land wrong and cry out as I hit the ice my body sliding across it. Gritting my teeth I grimace at the burning in my ankle and slowly push myself up into a sitting position. Sunghoon skates over to me a frown on his face. "You alright?" I give him a slight look. "I'm fine." I try to get up only to immediately grimace and sit back down. Suddenly Sunghoon holds his hand out but I knock it away. "I can do it myself." I again try to get up managing to stand only to cry out as soon as I put weight on my ankle making fall right back down. Groaning in frustration I close my eyes for a minute only to yelp in surprise my eyes shooting open when I'm suddenly lifted up only to see Sunghoon carrying me bridal style in his arms. I immediately squirm and grumble ignoring the feeling of warm shocks running across my skin at his touch. "Put me down!" Suddenly it feels like I'm falling and I yelp immediately clinging onto him. "Okay don't put me down! Don't put me down!"  He chuckles getting a good hold on me again and carefully gets off the ice setting me down on the bench. I grumble and go to undo my laces on my skates when suddenly Sunghoon slaps my hands away and starts undoing them himself making a slight blush come to my face. "What are you doing?" He looks up from where he's kneeling in front of me before turning his attention back to my skates. "I'm making sure your ankle isn't broken." I blink and dumbly let out an "oh." He finally gets my skates off and pulls the thin sock off frowning when he sees my now swollen purple ankle. He gently grabs it making me flinch from both the coldness of his hands and the slight pain it causes. "I think we should get you to the nurse. I don't think it's broken but it's probably badly sprained." I immediately go to try and stand but he gives me a stern scary look. "Sit. I'll carry you just let me change my shoes." I go to protest when he he gets up and sits beside me. "It's kinda my fault for peer pressuring you and it caused you to get hurt so let me do this." I blink at him in surprise. "Why are you being nice to me? You basically avoided me like the plague the whole morning." He gives me a look as he puts his sneakers on and puts our skates in my bag before putting the backpack on. "Just because I don't like being around new people doesn't mean I'm a complete jerk." I lower my head slightly then suddenly I'm picked up again making me grab ahold of his shoulders for support. "Are you sure you wanna carry me? I know I'm probably heavy." He scoffs. "Your the opposite of heavy you actually should probably eat more." I roll my eyes and unconsciously lay my head on his shoulder as we head to the nurse.

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