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The rest of the week is spent on me purely focusing on the antidote of the love spell and I made sure there'd be no interruptions. I locked myself in my room and put up magical barriers so Sunghoon and the others can't teleport in. After working relentlessly all week I finally find out the exact things used then find the cure for it making a small plate of cookies out of the potion. Once I'm done I put the cookies in a container and go to put the lid on when Cedar walks in and brightens up reaching for a cookie. "Ooo cookies!" I gently smack his hand away making him pout. "It's the cure for Sunghoon. I put it in cookies so he won't fight me on it." Cedar nods then looks at me with a frown. "No offense but you look like crap. When's the last time you slept?" I shrug him off. "A day or two. I'm fine though. I just need to shower and get ready for school so I can get these cookies to Sunghoon." He slowly nods as I bypass him and go to get a shower then pull the uniform on before I grab the container of cookies and walk to school with Cedar. As soon as we reach the school we pair off I heading to my locker and immediately see Sunghoon standing there waiting. Letting out a sigh I walk over to him he immediately smiling when he sees me. "Hey! I was wondering when you were coming back to school I missed you." I give a fake smile then hand over the cookies. "Sorry. Here I made you some cookies." He immediately brightens up and opens the container taking a cookie out then takes a big bite I watching in anticipation. A moment later I see a blue glaze shine over his eyes and he stumbles backwards I quickly steadying him. Once he's fully stable he lets out a groan. "My heads killing me." I give him a sympathetic look. "Yeah that's a side effect of the spell wearing off sorry." He looks down at me and frowns slightly. "What exactly happened?" I immediately feel my heart break but clear my throat. "You ate a chocolate meant for me and it was a love spell." He slowly nods frowning. "Well thanks for getting me back to normal." I mumble a flat "your welcome" before grabbing my books and storm off to my first class.

(Sunghoon's Pov)

Watching Faine storm off I can't help but frown slightly in confusion before shaking my head and head to my locker seeing the other guys hanging around. "Hey guys. Do you know what's going on with Faine?" They all look at each other before Cedar speaks up. "It might be the fact that he spent time with you and got used to your loving and caring actions. Also the fact that he worked his ass off to get you back to normal despite his own feelings." I frown at that and the bell suddenly rings I wishing them a goodbye then head to class. Once I reach class and take my seat I see Faine's chair moved to the very end of the desk making me frown slightly but I decide to ignore it paying attention in class. As soon as class is over I see Faine grab his things and run off it making me feel a little weird so I grab my things and follow him to the ice rink calling out after him "Faine!" He pauses for a second before he speed walks away from me making me frown and run to catch up to him gently grabbing his arm. "Hey. What's wrong with you?" He suddenly turns to face me looking upset. "What's wrong? I got used to you being around! I got used to you being affectionate! And it was stupid of me I know because it wasn't really you but dammit I still fell in love with you only to realize you don't even think of me that way! Now do me a favor and leave me alone to be miserable!" I go to say something but before I know it he's running away at top speed. Sighing I spend all day looking for him but he's good at avoiding. Finally it's the end of the day and I head home feeling a strange feeling in my chest. As soon as I reach home I walk in a frown on my face and look over at Jake approaching him. "Hey hyung can I talk to you?" He looks up from his phone and nods putting it away. "Well Faine admitted that he caught feelings and fell in love with me while I was under the spell. And he told me to leave him alone and now I have this weird feeling in my chest." Jake hums thoughtfully. "You probably feel guilty. He's given up everything just to make sure you were safe and happy." I look at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" Jake frowns at me. "You don't know? He hasn't been practicing for the competition or anything. He's been to focused on getting that spell reversed. Look I know your known as the ice prince Sunghoon but if you don't feel anything for him then you might as well just leave him be." I stay quiet for a minute before I reveal softly. "He's actually my mate. I found out when we first met. And I actually kinda care for him." Jake stares at me wide eyed. "Then you need to tell him that. At least take him on a date or something." I frown slightly but sigh and give a little nod. "I'll at least talk to him." He nods and as I go to teleport I end up reappearing in the house making me frown. "He's got the house blocked." Jake gives me a sympathetic look. "Maybe talk to him tomorrow." I nod looking a little determined before heading up to my room to plan.

Let me in (a Park Sunghoon x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now