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(scene opens up with cell and Kuroka landing in a dense forest surrounded by trees and rivers and in the middle where they land is a small opening as cells wings disappear and cell follows Kuroka into the woods)

Cell: so where we going

Kuroka: I have a cabin deep in the woods we had to stop flying from here so they couldn't track our aura to our exact location

Cell: let me guess your wanted

Kuroka: what have it away nya

Cell: the fact that you aren't with the others of your race and hide deep in the woods off the grid

Kuroka: (sad face)

Cell: wanna talk about it

Kuroka: I don't trust you enough yet

Cell: fair enough so how did you get this property in the woods shit like this usually costs a fortune

Kuroka: it was abandoned and I fixed it up for a hideout for myself and anyone who I trusted

Cell: and you trust them likes of me the same guy who tried to kill and absorb you just an hour ago

Kuroka: it's more like that our too dangerous to be kept alone...(whispers) but I will admit you are hot~ nya

Cell: aww thanks

Kuroka: (slight blush) you heard that

Cell: I have exceptional hearing for a human among the other races inside me

Kuroka: meant it ask about that what's with the strange tail and 4x the human aura

Cell: if you must know my anything absorbed by my tail becomes apart of my biomass meaning I gain their abilities and memories

Kuroka: so that's why I sense senjutsu in your body and it also explains why your a guy who can use it nya

Cell: what's with the 'nya' thing is that something all nekomatas do

Kuroka: yep surprised you're not doing it

Cell: well it would get very annoying after a while even for me

Kuroka: meh I got used to it becoming a daily part of my life

Cell: so how much further until the cabin

Kuroka: just around a couple more bends and we can relax inside the cabin and around a warm fire

Cell: so tell me got any family

Kuroka: that is also apart of my past so don't ask please

Cell: (shrugs) fair enough

Kuroka: so you got any family

(Scene flashbacks to cell absorbing his parents and gaining a tiny bit of strength before cutting back to the main time)

Cell: (bluntly) I absorbed them

Kuroka: that's incredibly dark why did you do that didn't you love them I mean they practically raised you

Cell: sorry but I'm not gonna share that info with some hot neko I just met~

Kuroka: (teasing) aww you find me attractive~

Cell: of course with a body like that who wouldn't~

Kuroka: you know if you play nice you might just get a peek~

Cell: well then I better behave~

(Kuroka giggles at her and cell antics as they climb up a small path as cell looks above to see a large wooden cabin with a small campfire surrounded by wooden benches)

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