teaching ophis

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(scene opens up with cell slightly weak walking through the hotel doors as kuroka looks over from the tv teaching ophis about it to see a damaged cell walking inside limping a bit as she leap rom the chair knocking the chair over as she grapples around his arm holding him up


Bikou: (comes from around the corner) what is it (notices cell) oh crap let me help you buddy

(both help cell over to a bott letting him lay down as ophis watches with her head tilted to the side confused on what those cuts and scrapes on his body and is confused since she hasnt ever felt pain before so she didn't understand why cell was acting in pain)

Cell: (wincing out of pain) this hurts more than it looks

Kuroka: (uses senjutsu to heal him) the hell happened did you finally kill issei

Cell: nope he has fused with tiamat making himself even stronger he didn't even have to boost to beat me

Ophis: i told you

Cell: (pissed) you know what ophis FUCK YOU

Kuroka: (shocked) cell

Bikou: (shocked whispers) god damn cell

Ophis: (no emotion) that isn't very nice to talk to your leader like that

(ophis may have had a poor understanding of the human world but she did understand insults or when somebody was being rude to her and she really didn't think it was nice)

Cell: youve been freeloading off of us forcing me to cook pancakes for you finding bikou for you staying with us because its pretty quiet here but i digress your just a free loading bitch who promised us ultimate power but says we cant be trusted even though weve done everything youve asked so as far as im concerned you can go and fuck yourself

(Ophis doesn't say anything but her hands light up with purple energy as bikou and kuroka step out of the way out of fear of being annihilated by ophis as she aims at cell ready to fire)

Cell: shit

(the blast hits cell right in the torso but instead of disintegrating him his wounds and cuts start to heal closing up as blood stops dripping from his body and his bruises come back to normal with normal human skin color as he feels all his strength come back to him as he looks at his clean and non bloody hands)

Cell: you healed me why

Ophis: look i maybe a dragon god but in human terms i know near to nothing about you humans well except you cell your not fully human since your from another world

Cell: oh you heard that

Ophis: kuroka told me today

(cell looks at kuroka who puts her hands up in defense)

Kuroka: you can't really tell the infinity god no

Cell: fair enough

Bikou: wait your not human what are you a yokai

TIMESKIP: to cell telling him everything

Bikou: wow that's amazing respect my man

Ophis: anyway im sorry if i seem like a meanie but i don't understand your human feelings or what humans really are so if you really want me to be like you your gonna have to teach me about human culture and feelings

Cell: i understand i'm sorry i yelled at you

Ophis: don't worry about it now first thing is you teach me how to use this television

Bikou: well i'm going back to training in the gym

Cell: see ya we will just teach ophis

Kuroks: actually i've been trying to teach ophid all day about how to do stuff so i'm just gonna go take a nap because that was stressful as hell

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