Prologue: Life of a Quirkless Person

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3rd person POV:

"Izumi! IZUMI!" A young voice said.

"Ugh, what is it Izu," A young Izumi Midorya said.

"COME ON! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TODAY IS!?" A young Izuku said.

"Ummm no?" Izumi said, stretching out.


"Wait... IT IS!?" Izumi said, getting as excited as her brother.

"YEAH!!!!!" Izuku shouted.

Later, Inko and Toshnori Yagi were sleeping in bed before they felt 2 little figures crawl up there.

"MOM! MOM!" Izuku shouted, jumping on top of the bed.

"DAD! WAKE UP!" Izumi shouted, repeating her brother's movements.

"Ughhhh," Inko sighed, opening her eyes to see her 2 excited children, "Come on you 2, what did I tell you about jumping on the bed?"

"Not too," Izuku said, sitting back in the bed.

"That's right!" Inko said, pulling Izuku into a hug

"Ughh, hey you two!" Toshinori said, awaking as well.

"Dad!" Izumi said, jumping into her father's arms, "Do you know what today is?"

"What day is it?" Toshinori asked.

"Today is the day we head to the quirk doctor!!" Izumi said.

"Ah, yes it is!" Toshinori said.

"I wonder what quirks we'll have," Izumi said.

"It doesn't matter, we'll be great heroes!" Izuku chimed in, pumping his fist in the air.

"Yeah!" Izumi said, pumping her fist in the air along with her brother.


"I'm sorry kid, but you should probably give up being a hero," The Doctor said.

"What?" Izuku said, dropping the All Might figure he brought with him.

Just a few moments before, Inko and her 2 children had been called in after their tests.

"So doctor, what are their quirks?" Inko asked.

"Well Ma'am, I have some good news and some bad news," The Doctor said, looking up from the piece of paper he was holding, "Which would you like to hear first?"

"Uhh, the bad news," Inko said, nervousness growing.

"Well, it seems that Izuku here won't be getting a quirk," The Doctor said, "I'm sorry kid, but you should probably give up being a hero."

"What?" Izuku said, dropping his All Might figure.

"W-What do you mean?" Inko asked, picking up the dropped figure.

The doctor then went on to explain how most quirkless people have a double jointed pinky toe and how it meant that Izuku would not be able to follow his dreams.

"O-Okay, what is the good news?" Inko asked.

"Well, Izumi over here has a very powerful quirk that seems to be a combination of you and your husband's quirk," The Doctor said.

"Oh, alright," Inko said, looking at Izuku solemnly before turning to Izumi, "Did you hear that Izumi? You'll be a great hero!"

Izumi looked sadly at Izuku before turning to her mother and saying, "Yeah!"

The drive home was long and silent. When they got home, Izuku was melancholic while his family was happy about his sister's powerful quirk.

"Ah, Inko you're back! What are the kids' quirks?" Toshinori asked, excited about what his children's quirks were.

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